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We discovered Cross had become half blind.. And he was in a coma... 'Someone's about to DIE' I thought as I felt the slits return. "G-guys I h-have a p-plan" I stuttered, gathering my friends in the main room. I explained to them what Ink had planned for their annihilation and looked a bit angry. "I-I say we t-turn it o-on th-them" I said, earning confident nods from the group. We planned on Error starting to destroy one of the empty, unfinished universes. This had been done before, and Ink still came to protect it. How obnoxious... We knew that if we could ambush Ink, we could use him against Dream, capture him, do the same with Blue, and use them against the other Sanses. The plan was immediately put into action. We followed Error to an unfinished AU and hid behind a large boulder. Error started his work, destroying the code slowly and allowing the AU to collapse. He did it slower than usual to let Ink arrive. 'Speak of the devil...' I thought as an inky portal appeared in the white, unfinished abyss. "Error! Why are you destroying another one of my creations?!" I heard the god yell. "FoR a DiFfErEnT rEaSoN tHiS tImE aCtUaLlY" Error replied. His voice only really glitched when he wasn't talking to me and the gang. "Oh, and what might that be?" Ink asked, seemingly annoyed. "To TuRn YoUr LiTtLe PlAn AgAiNsT yOu.. HEhE" we took that as our signal, and jumped out in all directions. Ink was obviously caught very off-guard by this, and a few minutes later he was trapped in Nightmare's tentacles. "LET ME GO!!" he screamed. Nightmare just chuckled. "Your our bait now, Inky" I heard Dust say. Ink didn't say a word after that, just froze. Well, froze after he said... "You disgust me"


"You disgust me!" Fell screamed, punching me to the ground. Classic was able to pull him back before anything else happened, but that's a major part of why I changed. I didn't want to disgust anyone... I wanted to do something right for once...


"So even if I try changing.. It doesn't satisfy you huh?" I whispered, no stuttering included. That's what made Ink freeze. I ALWAYS stuttered. No matter how angry I was. "I've tried everything. Being less exposed, acting like everyone else, even being so utterly silent no one would find me if they tried!" I screamed, rage taking over. "What else do I have to do to satisfy you Ink?!" I continued, getting up to his face. "What will it take to be how I'm supposed to be again?! It's not my fault I turned into some dirty b*****d!! I didn't want to be like them! I didn't want to be like that! I've changed IMMENSELY but it's still not good enough for you or anyone else!" I yelled, leaving Ink and the others silent. I realized there were tears streaking down my face, so I stepped back and hugged Dust, crying on his shoulder. I only tolerated touches from Nightmare and Error's gang, really. Dust rubbed my back in circles, trying to calm me down I guess. I could feel the glare he was giving Ink, and I let him. "L-let's just c-continue w-with the p-plan.." my stuttering returned silently. I saw the group nod and we took a portal to Dream's newest location.

We went through the portal to an almost empty Underfell copy. Dream was just walking around. Well... until he saw us with Ink. He looked mad but terrified at the same time. Might I mention he wasn't at the meeting? Yeah, he hadn't seen me like this yet... He seemed a bit more than shocked. "Lust..?" I flinched at that. I HATE being called that. "Actually, his name is SANS, brother." I heard Nightmare say with a growl. "Wait what?" now Dream was just confused... of course... "M-my name i-is Sans" I answered. Dream seemed to pay that no mind, as he was pulling back an arrow to Nightmare's tentacle. "Oh NO yA DoN't DrEaMy" Error teleported behind Dream, wrapping his soul in the strings. "Let go of me Error!" Dream yelled to no avail. We had two of the Star b****es now... one to go. 

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