Meanwhile . . .

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Spongy: I feel like I haven't been online for a while.

Taco: Same.

Lollipop: Hate to admit it but I agree.

Cloudy: It's because we have better things to do.

Roboty: .-.. .. -.- . / .-- .... .- - ..--.. (Like what?)

Cloudy: Like actually having a life.

Taco: Don't know how that's like.

Spongy: Speaking of which, we haven't actually seen any of the other BLEH members for a long time.

Taco: Saw died.

Cloudy: And Four didn't revive her because . . .?

Taco: We forgot she existed.

Spongy: That's mean!

Lollipop: Not our fault she was painfully boring.

Naily: That's kinda relatable :(

Bomby: Hard to remember that most of us communicate through chats instead of actual words.

Taco: Not a lot of people can understand what you say, Bomby. Sometimes, chats are the only way to know what other people are saying. Like TD.

Teardrop: >:(

Taco: Stop pretending that you're mute online. You can chat.

Teardrop: Screw you.

Taco: Rude.

Roboty: .-- . .-.. .-.. --..-- / .- / -... .. --. --. . .-. / .--. .-. --- -... .-.. . -- / .. ... / - .... .- - / -- --- ... - / --- ..-. / ..- ... / .- .-. . / .--. .-. . - - -.-- / -... --- .-. .. -. --. .-.-.- / -. --- -... --- -.. -.-- / .-. . .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / .... .- ... / ..-. ..- -. / .-- .. - .... / ..- ... .-.-.- / .-- . .----. .-. . / .--- ..- ... - / .. -. / - .... . / -... .- -.-. -.- --. .-. --- ..- -. -.. --..-- / ... .-.. --- .-- .-.. -.-- / ..-. .- -.. .. -. --. / .- .-- .- -.-- / ..-. .-. --- -- / . -..- .. ... - . -. -.-. . / .- ... / - .... . / --- - .... . .-. / --. ..- -.-- ... / .- .-. . / --. . - - .. -. --. / - .... . / ... .--. --- - .-.. .. --. .... - .-.-.- ( WELL, A BIGGER PROBLEM IS THAT MOST OF US ARE PRETTY BORING. NOBODY REALLY HAS FUN WITH US. WE'RE JUST IN THE BACKGROUND, SLOWLY FADING AWAY FROM EXISTENCE AS THE OTHER GUYS ARE GETTING THE SPOTLIGHT.)

Spongy: I don't know morse code.

Cloudy: Apparently, only Nickel knows.

Taco: Wanna go troll people?

Lollipop: Like who?

Taco: Gaty and Book?

Lollipop: Sure thing.

Naily: Will it be explosive?

Taco: Hell yeah!

Naily: I'm in!

Bomby: I'm out.

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