
831 21 40

Golf Ball: Holy shit I lived

Four: Congrats. You did. Want a gold star or something?

Golf Ball: Where are we?

Black Hole: The Shadow Realm

Black Hole: Or in simpler terms, I swallowed Four who in return swallowed me from inside out and so he projected an astral image of his likings to accompany us inside as he did with the EXIT. 

Black Hole: Whatever that light was, I was immune and so was Four.

Golf Ball: And what of X?

Four: He's gone.

Golf Ball: Oh, Four...

Four: Gone out to rescue the others.

Golf Ball: You're such a jerk.

1 and 1/2 HOURS LATER...

Four: Roll call commence!

GB: Here.

Pillow: Present

Pen: Chillin'

Woody: Eeh

8-ball: I exist.

Marker: HERE

Firey Jr: Heyo

Coiny: Alive

Bell: Severely traumatized

Loser: Here.

Blocky: Still kicking

Black Hole: Hey

Taco: Doing ok i think?

Match: Like, here.

X: We saved a lot!

Four: This is just 14/64.

Four: This is a lot to you?

X: I'm sorry.

Another BFB Chat Fic. What a shame.Where stories live. Discover now