Prologue: Captured

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There, now they could carry on with their departure.

They had three other prisoners besides this young Neric soldier, none of them being The Neric Patriot Captain.

The Dirish Captain had planned the whole thing that way. He had known the Patriots would keep following him, so long as he had their beloved Captain.

The Dirish could have kept sailing and risked the Nerics catching them at an inopportune time. Or, planned for the Nerics and been ready to escape when they came.

The Dirish Captain chose the latter, he wasn't one to take risks. Now they had escaped, with his men and the other prisoners as well.

When the Captain had spotted the young Soldier, He had immediately ordered him captured. He couldn't risk the news of his escape to travel back to the enemy 'til morning when he'd be far away.

The Dirish men finally got situated and started their slow way from the ship. The nearest land was ten miles away, so they would be rowing most the night.

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