Part 14

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Love, a single word with four letters, yet its realization can be as swift as a fleeting moment or as prolonged as years of silent yearning. For some, love arrives effortlessly, gracing their lives with ease and joy. Others, however, endure a more arduous journey. They face trials that drain them, exhaust their very souls, making each breath a burden, pushing them to the brink of falling apart. That's what it took her. That's what it took him.

In the deep stillness of midnight, Khushi stood, leaning against the cool glass of her bedroom window, her eyes wandering over the gardens of Kabir's mansion. The evening's descent into night had brought a crisp coolness, a stark contrast to the earlier warmth her family had enjoyed around a comforting backyard bonfire.

It wasn't just the bonfire that had enveloped her in warmth, but also the comforting embrace of someone special, hugging her tired form after a long, draining day. She smiled to herself, recalling how she had playfully dubbed him her "human heater." That comment had earned her an eye roll from the formidable ASR, who found the nickname a bit odd. But to Khushi, it was endearing, a light-hearted moment that captured the warmth and closeness they shared.

She turned, her gaze drifting to her husband, peacefully sleeping amidst the cozy warmth of their bedroom. His face, serene in slumber, radiated peace and contentment. Khushi watched him, a sense of admiration washing over her. Everything about him seemed so perfect, from the softness of his expression to the quiet rhythm of his breathing.

His eyes, those deep chocolate brown orbs, once held only anger, but now, they sparkled with love and joy. It was as if time had reversed, bringing back the youthful Arnav she once knew. His black hair, always neatly styled, his perfectly symmetrical nose, and those lips that had become her latest obsession – everything about him was flawless. How could she not have fallen for a man so perfect, who had now become so tender, so gentle, so caring?

It had been three weeks since they arrived in London, and in that time, she'd witnessed a transformation. The man before her was a testament to the power of love, embodying every promise he had made. He was no longer afraid to show his love for her, supporting her decisions while flawlessly playing the role of Karthik's brother-in-law, and still maintaining his demeanor as a ruthless CEO. Khushi marveled at how effortlessly he juggled these roles, as if he was born to balance them all with ease.

As Shanaya, the one-year-old daughter of Khushi's brother, was brought into the room, all eyes naturally gravitated towards her. Khushi watched, a tender smile playing on her lips, curious to see how Arnav, a man historically uneasy around children, would react to this tiny new member of their extended family.

 Khushi watched, a tender smile playing on her lips, curious to see how Arnav, a man historically uneasy around children, would react to this tiny new member of their extended family

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Arnav's eyes softened noticeably as he looked at Shanaya. The baby, with her big, curious eyes and innocent smile, seemed to captivate him instantly. Hesitantly, yet with a newfound gentleness, he reached out his hands to her. "Hey there, little Shanaya," he said softly, his voice a gentle whisper.

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