3. Uncanny Familiarity

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"What're you doing here?" I throw him the question.

Slowly, he walked himself out from the room and stopped a few feet away from me.

"Same question I should be asking you?"

"But aren't you new around here?"

"I'm not from Russia, I'm new to the school but this area is pretty...familiar to me..." he answered, emphasizing on the word "familiar" for some reason.

"Where you from exactly?" I asked.

"Let's talk outside, shall we?"

Huh, his demeanor seemed way different from when i first met him earlier today??? Despite that, i followed him, left the abandoned place and stood just outside with him.


"What's your intention here?" He suddenly dodge my previous question.

"I have my intentions - "

"Tell me then," he cut in, swiftly.

Reluctantly, i start
"My best friend is missing and the last place i saw him was here. In this abandoned shithole."

He found my last statement funny as he let out a faint laugh.

"This isn't funny," annoyed, i barked.

"Your friend...what's his name?"

"Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook."

Then, the smile that was occupying his pale face withered away real quick the moment i said Jungkook's name.

Suddenly, he made a sharp move by turning his body away from me. Attempting to leave the place in quite a hurry.

"Hey, where you going so suddenly?"

He didn't answer. Just started acting weird and try to outpace me.

I tried to keep up but couldn't, so i stopped him by saying
"I know who you are....!"

And it worked. Taeyong stopped dead in his track and slowly (and eerily) turned his head back to face me.

At first, my eyes caught his gaze and it seemed demented at first. He soon controlled it and made his eyes looked innocent before saying
"Of course you do. We met at school, remember?"

"No," i started walking towards him and limiting the distance between us.
"i know who you really are. You're a Scavenger."

Laughing, he said
"Excuse me?"

And somehow it worked, he managed to make me doubt myself and felt stupid for second.

What if what had happened was all just hallucinations? What if this Taeyong really knew his way around here and I'm just pushing my stupidity towards him??

I bit my tongue as he added
"Look, its getting late. We should head back..."

Something I'd agree with him for once. As we started our journey back, i stopped for a moment and looked back at the abandoned mansion and thought about...it all and...Jungkook....

A sudden rush of sadness abruptly filled my gut before i slowly looked up to check up on Taeyong.

He walked a bit further from me - and what happened next was super off;

It was like he knew i was looking right at him when he slowly turned his head back and glanced over his shoulders. Piercing me with an uncannily mischievous glare.

He looked at me like...he knew something.

I didn't get a chance to do or say anything when he suddenly bolted. Sprinting across the trees with an weird speed that i know no human can imitate and started to disappear from my sight.

Panicked, i yelled for him before trying to run after him.

I pant so hard as my running turned to slow heavy walks towards the direction of the place. I couldn't keep up. He was way too fast to reassure myself that he was human. The speed he uses the very last minute to lose me was as if it was intentional. Like he was hinting that he knew exactly what i was talking about.

"Fffuchhhk..." i breathe, putting both hard palms on my knees as i tried to gather my zero stamina self.

The air around me changed. Unnaturally a bit too quick for my liking.

The darker the sky got, the more changes the woods around me seemed to make. It was as if my atmosphere was morphing into something else.

My heart fell down to my stomach. As much as i would like to not admit it, but i knew i was back.

The moment i decided to moved from the spot i stood too long in, the sudden sound of a spine chilling....bones tingling...skin crawling scream could be heard from a distance.

I wasn't sure if it was Taeyong himself or someone being murdered.

Tried to be smart and not let out a single screeching sound, so instead i started running real fast like a chicken with its head hanging by the neck to wherever i thought was safe and clear from whatever that was happening behind me.

Screw Taeyong, I aint waiting around until someone decides to come in and hit me across the head with crowbar.


My eyes followed the girl as my hand gripped the side of the tree, several feet above the ground. I kept my feet firmly on the thick branch while my head slowly followed into the direction she was running off to.

A small grin started to curved across my lips before they opened up to whisper the words,

"Welcome back, my beloved Sabine...."

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