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I was starting to get light headed.

All this running and chasing had finally gotten to me.

It turned out that Hoseok had successfully rescued me from the Scavengers and later that night we realize that they were in no rush to pursue or even had that intention in the first place. Because, somehow, me and the rest of the other guys were still in the Scavengers property - only we were a bit further than the actual castle itself.

"We need to go." one of them said.

"No." i shot back.

"I'm not going anywhere. Please...just let me go." i added, pleading as the pain in my forehead grew.

It was that moment when someone else appeared behind us with a familiar voice;

"Fellas, He's gone."

It was Jungkook's auxiliary, Daniel.

Since i met him, he bear nothing but calmness and was poised throughout the time he was around us. But this was the first time he looked a bit disheveled.

"What? who?" Namjoon asked.
"The Lord. He's gone. I can't trace him anywhere."

"You mean He left?" Jimin chimed in.
"I wished i could say so, but i checked through my the radar on this very ground.... it's like he disappeared. As if he never existed."

No one spoke nor moved. Only eyes were wandering amongst each other, occasionally back to me.

"I don't understand," Jin tried to make
sense of what Daniel was trying to say.

"Lord Jeon Jungkook... He's gone. He...He does not....exist anymore in this realm."

And then - BOOM, down i went. Least that's what i remembered.

I remembered right after Daniel had finished his dramatic sentence, my headache got worse and my eye sight went dark. I felt like it was some sort of a que for my body to shut down and cause me to passed out cold on the ground.

It felt like a century.

If felt like i was put into a coma and what i was going through was a dream. A lucid dream.

Everything was white. I walked around aimlessly while looking around, processing my surroundings.

And then a figure gradually started to make himself visible.

Squinted, i walked up towards the silhouette. The closer i got, the more distinctive his clothes were. Dressed in white with long sleeves. His hair -

"Ju -"
He turned around by the slight mention of his name. And there he was. Standing before me with a friendly grin spread across his clear face.

The look on him was as if he was relieved to have seen me.

"Jungkook....where are we?"

Not exactly answering me, but instead he lifted up an arm towards me. Expanding his fingers.

"Let's go, (Y/n). It's time." were the only words that came out of his curved mouth.

Young God: The Lost BoyWhere stories live. Discover now