6. Yeosang

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"Aren't you going to eat?" i asked, wondering why was i the only one eating.

"Ah, it's okay. I already ate. So, uh, (Y/n)...if you don't mind me asking...where did you come from? i mean, yesterday you appear out of nowhere. What exactly were you doing in the woods, all by yourself?"

Nearly choking on my burger, which Mingi joked that he would get me McDonald's ended up being true, i took a minute to answer after taking a few uncomfortable but decent sip on my orange juice.

"Do you want the long story or the short one?" i asked.
"I got all day." smiling, he answered with his usual soft tone of voice as he intertwined both of his hands by the fingers and placed his elbows right in front of him on the table.

I told him that i was here out in the woods searching for my lost friend. i even told him that we both were delinquents that ventured out into an abandoned mansion out of fun, got lost and as the evening drew in, he just vanished.

"Vanished? No one can simply just...vanished." Hongjoong pointed out, wrinkled in between his brows.

"i know!" i said, i told him pretty much everything EXCEPT the fact that i think i might have entered into another world, got chased down by some half man half wolf and a perverted vampire. Got mauled by one of them, seen some pretty weird shit happening and got kidnapped by some good looking human crows. Yeah, i know i left out on some pretty important stuff but, I ain't gonna allow myself to sound like some crackhead.

"So you came back just to look for him?"
"Yes, and i clearly failed to traced him." saddened.

"Do you want to go look for him again today? Maybe i can help out?" with a hint of light in his eyes, Hongjoong offered me help before mentioning that he'll allow two other guys to tag along.

"You'd...do that?"
"Why not? Obviously, this Jungkook person means the world to you. And you would do anything to have him back. So, I'd like to offer my help, that is...if you allow me. Me and my friends are good at tracking people down."

Oddly enough, his last few words sounded a bit....eery to me. I don't know...maybe I'm being a bit paranoid but — these people looked normal, so far.

So, i might give it go.

"That would be great, Hongjoong!" i expressed my gratitude by jumping off my seat and unexpectedly threw my arms around his shoulders.


Chill your fucking dick, Hongjoong.

I tried to cover my red cheeks by making the situation worse (for me) as i awkwardly and stupidly hugged the girl back.

My heart wouldn't stop beating so fast, my hands started to jitter behind her as i felt cold sweats begin to form from the pores in my palms.

"You okay?" she took herself away from the brief embrace and looked at me with concern after that.

"I, um, i — yeah, I'm okay." Smiling, i threw my gaze down and wanted to disappear so badly but unfortunately — I don't possessed such ability.

Being a purebred Erlking doesn't give you much powers but only the ability to lure targeted preys to their death. How do we do that? Eye contact is optional. If you failed to make them look at you in the eyes, our voice becomes our next weapon. We either talk in a soothing voice or sing or hum a tune in order to trap the prey into a trance.

However, if you're a mix of Erlking and with anything else, you will gain extra abilities. Yeosang is one of them. He can see into the future and read minds. And he also have an uncanny ability to make anyone look into his piercing eyes with minimal effort — or maybe he's just good looking? Yup, maybe.

Speaking of the devil —

"Oh..?" A soft male voice uttered.

Both me and the girl turned our heads behind us and found startled Yeosang standing awkwardly with a thick book in one hand.

"Oh, sh —" i was about to cuss when i saw a smear of crimson down his chin right below his lips.

Quickly getting up, i walked myself towards Yeosang and greeted him. Strategically placing myself in front of him, quickly wiping away the blood from his pale skin.

"Next time, check the mirror first?" i reminded in a soft, low tone of voice.

Nodded, his sharp gaze then shifted passed my shoulder.

I let him stare at her as i moved myself away. Facing (Y/n), i proceeded to introduce them.

The girl got up, did a little nod and smiled. Yeosang, however, he kept his lips sealed tight. Not uttering a single word as he let his eyes devour her.

Placing a gentle hand on one of his shoulders, i called his name,

With little expression maintained, he finally parted his lips, looked at me then replied in a whisper,
"A witch."

Young God: The Lost BoyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon