SEVEN: "Wake Me Up."

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As Amelia is doing the craniotomy, Alex and Meredith go to inform Owen of what's going on. They walk out to the waiting area and see Owen pacing around. 

'Owen.' Meredith calls over to him. He looks at the two doctors and walks over to them.

'What's wrong? Is Emma okay?' He asks. 

'During surgery, Emma's right pupil blew. We brought in the portable CT scanner and found that she had a massive subdural.' Alex tells him. 'Amelia is doing a craniotomy as we speak.'

'I thought her head CT was clear?' Owen questions. 

'It looked clear.' Meredith nods. 'She must have had a small bleed that we missed.' 

'It shouldn't have grown that quick.' Owen shakes his head. A scrub nurse then runs out. 

'We found out why the bleed grew so quick.' She tells them. 'The anaesthesiologist gave her heparin instead of TXA.' 

'What?!' Owen exclaims. 

'We've brought in another anaesthesiologist and started Emma on heparin.' The scrub nurse adds. 

'Right.' Alex sighs. 'Tell the anaesthesiologist to wait in my office.' The scrub nurse nods, walks away and Alex looks back at Owen. 'We should get back. We'll get someone to come and update you every half an hour.' Meredith and Alex turn around and make their way back to the OR.


Five hours later, Emma is on the ICU hooked up to a ventilator, a bandage around her head and an EEG attached to her head to monitor her brain waves.  Owen is sitting in the chair on one side of the bed whilst Evelyn is sitting in the chair on the other side the bed. Amelia walks into the room. 

'Owen. Evelyn.' Amelia starts. Owen and Evelyn both look up at her. 'Hey. I've checked Emma's post-op head CT and there's no more blood. Her EEG looks good so I'll just check her reflexes.' Amelia walks up to the bed and starts to check Emma's reflexes. After a few minutes, Amelia steps back. 'Her reflexes are on the weak side but we'll keep an eye on them by checking them every hour or so and her pupils are reactive.'

'Thanks, Amelia.' Owen smiles. He stands up and hugs Amelia, after a few seconds they part.  

'We'll keep her sedated and on the vent for another day or two and then once she's been extubated, we'll keep her sedated for another day or two and then wake her up.' Amelia tells him. 'So essentially, we won't be attempting to wake her up until mid next week.'

'Okay.' Owen sighs, nodding. 

Meanwhile, Ryan and a team of other officers are just about to enter a warehouse on the outskirts of Seattle. 

'This is the only warehouse we haven't searched.' Ryan states. 

'You took on this case rather quickly, Tanner.' Officer Elle Kingsley points out. 

'This girl was raped multiple times, got pregnant as a result of that, forced to keep the baby, the baby died and she was raped again for the sole purpose of getting pregnant.' Ryan says. 'Then when they couldn't get her pregnant, they removed her womb, her fallopian tubes and her ovaries.' 

'Tanner, I-' Elle starts starts to say. 

'I'm going to catch this son of a bitch.' Ryan interrupts her. They walk into the warehouse and come across a room designed as a makeshift OR. They see blood and body fluids everywhere amongst surgical tools, however, there's no anaesthetia machine.

'There's no anaesthesia machine.' Elle says. 'Could they have done the surgery whilst she was awake?'

'Emma didn't say anything about being awake during the surgery.' Ryan shakes his head. 'But given what she's been through there's no doubt she's traumatised.' He adds. He then grabs onto his radio and radios for the crime scene unit. Once he's off the radio, he starts to look around. 'This is just- this is just vile. What kind of monsters would-?'

'Ryan, you're getting way too close to this.' Elle warns him.

'I'm not.' Ryan glares at her. 'I'm just doing my job. A young girl went through something horrible. She deserves justice.'

'I get that but-' Elle starts.

'I don't know her history?' Ryan guesses. 'I don't care what her history is. I don't care whether she was or still is part of a gang. I don't care if she's been arrested before. No one deserves to be raped. No one deserves to be forced to carry a baby.'

'Calm down, that's not what I meant.'

'I know what you meant.' Ryan scowls. Just then, the crime scene forensics team walk in and begin to take photos and collect evidence. 'We'll wait until we get lab results on the blood and fluids before we go and update Emma and her father.'


A few hours later, Ryan walks into Grey-Sloan looking for Owen. He walks up to the surgical floor and up to the nurse's station. A nurse looks up at him. 

'Hi, I'm looking for Owen Hunt.' Ryan tells him.

'I'll page him for you.' The nurse nods. He picks up the desk phone and pages Owen. About five minutes later, Owen walks up to Ryan. 

'Ryan, if this is about Emma, it will have to wait.' Owen says. 

'Sorry?' Ryan asks confused. 

'Emma was involved in that bombing at the Seattle Mall. She was injured pretty badly. She's in a coma. They're not thinking of waking her up until next week.' Owen explains. 

'As if she hasn't been through enough.' Ryan frowns. 'I'm so sorry Owen.'


'I can share with you what we found. That way, you know before Emma and can tell her yourself, with our help.' Ryan suggests. 

'Sure.' Owen nods. 'Let's go somewhere more private.' Owen leads Ryan to an empty room and shuts the door. They both sit down. 

'So we searched every warehouse in Seattle. The last warehouse we searched, the old Ford factory, had a makeshift OR in. There was blood and bodily fluids everywhere. The blood was a match for Emma and the body fluids - the semen - was a match for James Filer.' Ryan tells Owen. 'We've put out a BOLO and APB on him.'

'How much blood?' Owen questions. 

'A lot.' Ryan replies. 'We think she was raped before the surgery and that she was awake during the duration. There was no anaesthetia machine, unless they used bob-standard drugs to knock her out.'

'Oh God.' Owen sighs, running his face. 

'We're going to do everything in our power to find this son of a bitch.' Ryan assures Owen. 'You have my word.'


What do you think? If there's any typos I apologise, I wrote this on a car journey.

Let me know your thoughts.

Also this chapter is dedicated to DharmaWinter because she gave me something to do on the the car journey I was on last night by publishing a chapter to The Struggles We Face. Y'all should check it out!

Much love

Chloe Xo

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