TWENTY: "Missing You."

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The next morning, at 10am, Emma walks into the kitchen. She sees Ryan and Pruitt sitting at the table drinking coffee.

'Morning.' She yawns. Pruitt and Ryan look at her.

'Good morning.' Ryan smiles. 'Did you have a good sleep?'

'Yeah.' Emma nods as she grabs herself a mug of coffee. She leans against the counter. 'Let me tell you, I do not miss being woken up by nurses every few hours.' She adds.

'Em, this is Pruitt Herrera. He's my next door neighbour. I have to run a few errands and go meet someone so he'll be here to keep an eye on you.' Ryan informs her. 'I'll only be a couple of hours.' He stands up. 'Help yourself to breakfast and snacks.' He walks around to her. 'Behave yourself.' He says goodbye to both of them and leaves. After a few minutes of silence, Pruitt turns in his chair to face Emma.

'Ryan told you what the deal is with me?' Emma asks.

'He did.' Pruitt nods. 'All of it was because of a brain tumour?!'

'Crazy, right.' Emma laughs. 'People always thought it was because of the foster homes I had to go into sometimes or because of-' She then stops, not being able to complete the sentence. 'I'm just glad to be back to my old self.' She takes a sip of her coffee. 'Mr Herrera-'

'Call me Pruitt.' Pruitt interrupts her.

'Pruitt, do believe that people can change?'

'I do.' Pruitt nods. 'My daughter, Andrea, wasn't exactly a golden girl. She hotwired my car with Ryan.'

'Seriously?!' Emma laughs.

'Yeah.' Pruitt laughs along. 'Now, she's a firefighter. A Lieutenant.' He continues. 'You're young, Emma, you have the chance to get your life back on track. Don't waste it.'


It's half 12. Emma is curled up on the armchair reading a book and Pruitt is sitting on the sofa watching TV when Ryan returns home. He walks in the door with a young girl. Pruitt and Emma look up at him.

'If you make a habit of bringing home stray girls, people will start to become concerned, Tanner.' Pruitt raises an eyebrow.

'Dani just needed somewhere to cool off and didn't want to go home so I said she could hang here for a bit.' Ryan explains. 'Her care workers know that she's here, before you ask.' Pruitt stands up.

'I better be getting home.' He states. He walks towards the door.

'Thanks for keeping an eye on her.' Ryan whispers to him. 'I appreciate it.' Pruitt nods and walks out of the door. Ryan then looks at Emma. 'Dani, this is Emma Hunt. Emma, this is Dani Flannigan.'

'I know.' Emma nods. 'We were in the same English class.'

'I didn't realise.' Ryan says, looking between the two girls.

'I haven't been to school in ages, remember?' Emma tells him.

'Right.' Ryan nods. 'And that reminds me, I picked up some school work for you to do. Apparently, you've got a lot of catching up to do.' Emma throws her head back and groans. 'And don't even think about pulling the brain tumour card.'

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