NINE: "She's A Rebel."

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Ryan pulls up in front of Owen's house. He gets out of his car with Emma and they both walk up to the door. Before Emma can open the door, Owen opens it. 

'Where the hell have you been?' He asks angrily. 

'She was the waterfront.' Ryan tells him. 

'In.' He orders. 'Wait in the front room.' Emma walks into the house whilst Owen steps outside and closes the door to speak to Ryan. After five minutes, he walks back in. 'Mind telling me what you were thinking when you decided to walk out of school?'

'I needed some time to myself.' Emma tells him. 

'I'm going to need a bit more than that, Emma.' Owen states. 

'I don't want to talk about it.' Emma shakes her head. She then goes to walk up to her room. 

'Emma, I'm not done talking.' Owen tells her, sternly.

'Well, I am!' Emma shouts as she runs up to her room. Owen, dumbfounded by Emma's behaviour, follows her. He goes to open her bedroom door but Emma has propped a chair under the door so that he can't open it.

'Emma Marie Logan-Hunt. Open this door right now!' Owen demands. 

'Fuck off!' Emma shouts back. Betty and Amelia join Owen. 

'What's going on?' Amelia questions. 

'Something's gotten into Emma.' Owen sighs. 'I just don't know what.' 

'Where was she?' Amelia asks. 

'Ryan Tanner found her on the Waterfront.' Owen replies. He then turns to Betty. 'What happened at school?' 

'I don't know.' Betty shakes her head, lying. 'I was with friends all lunch and we're obviously not in any of the same classes.' 

'Right.' Owen rubs her forehead. 'I'm going to call Karev. She'll listen to him.' He gets his phone out and calls Alex. Within half an hour, Alex is at Owen's house. Owen leads him up to Emma's room. 'We'll be downstairs.' Owen tells him before walking downstairs with Amelia and Betty. Alex knocks on Emma's door.

'Em, it's Alex.' Alex says. 'Your dad, Amelia and Betty are downstairs. It's just me.' After a few minutes, Emma opens the door and lets Alex in. She closes the door again.

'My dad told you what happened then, huh?' 

'Yeah.' Alex nods. Emma sits cross-legged on her bed whilst Alex pulls over her chair and sits on it. 'What's going on?' 


'Going by what your dad has told me about the way you've behaved, something is definitely going on.' Alex raises an eyebrow. 'Em, you can trust me. You know that.' Emma sighs. 

'I saw someone today and seeing them brought back bad memories. I had to get out of the school.' Emma tells him.

'Who was it?' 

'Someone I knew back in Seattle.' Emma tells him. 'Dad just lost it. It's like he thinks I'm twelve and can't look after myself.' 

'Well, you did walk out of school without telling anyone.' Alex points out. 'When he got the call from your school saying that you hadn't gone to any of your afternoon classes, he started to really worry and when he couldn't get hold of you, he went into full panic mode.' Emma looks down. 'He was just worried about you, Em. Let him in, don't shut him out.' 

Ryan and a group of other police officers and detectives are stood outside a nightclub, ready to do a random breach. In an effort to reduce the amount of drugs on the street, the Seattle Police Department has started doing random breaches and searches of clubs and bars. With Ryan in charge of the breach, he starts explaining what he wants to happen.

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