THIRTEEN: "Party Rock."

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Emma walks into the club. She looks around and spots Ryan at the bar. He nods at her and she takes a deep breath.

'It's going to be okay.' Ryan reassures her, quietly. 'Just stick to the plan.'

'Find him, get him to incriminate himself on tape and get out so you and your guys can take over and don't drink anything.' Emma replies. She continues to look around and spots who she's supposed to be meeting. She takes another deep breath and walks over to them.

'Emma.' The man, Elias Stirling, smiles.

'I thought you stepped down.' Emma sighs as she sits next to him.

'Well, when one of Roy's guys called me and told me that he'd been arrested, I couldn't pass the opportunity to get back into the game.' Elias tells her. 'Truth be told, I didn't think you would be coming.'

'Yeah.' Emma raises an eyebrow. 'Why?'

'Roy and I have been talking and he mentioned how difficult you've been getting.' Elias responds.

'And where has that gotten me? I've almost been killed three times.' Emma looks at him. 'I'll do whatever you need me to do.'

'Let's not talk business tonight.' Elias says as he puts his arms around her shoulders. He then waves a bartender over. 'What's your poison?'

'Say that you're not thirsty.' Ryan says over the earpiece.

'I'm not thirsty.' Emma shakes her head.

'Are you pregnant or something?' Elias queries.

'Not possible.'

'Then what are you having to drink?' Elias asks her. Emma stays silent. 'She'll have a vodka coke.' He nods at the bartender. 'And I'll have the same as before.' He adds. The bartender nods and walks away. 'It's not like you to turn down a drink.'

'I went out and drank a lot the other night. I need to give myself a bit of a rest.'

'You used to go out partying every single night in D.C. You had a pretty much permanent hangover.' Elias laughs. 'Something's changed.'

'I live with my dad now and he would kill me if I walked in drunk or high so I've tried to keep all my partying to once in a while.' Emma shrugs. 'Nothing major.' The bartender returns with their drinks.

'Whatever you do, do not drink it.' Ryan orders. 'I'll come over, pretend to fall into you, you spill it.' She sees Ryan starting to walk towards them.

Elias picks up his drink and takes a sip.

'It's not fun if you don't drink it.' Elias states. Emma picks up her drink and takes a sip, making eye contact with Ryan who's looking at her annoyed. Elias picks up on it. 'Who's that?'

'Some cop that arrested me a couple of weeks ago.' Emma tells him. She puts her drink down and stands up but Elias pulls her down.

'Let him come over here.' He tells her. Ryan walks over to them. 

'Officer.' Emma smiles. 'What can I do for you?' 

'Underage drinking? Fake ID?' Ryan raises an eyebrow, going along with Emma. 'Just like last time.' 

'So?' Emms shrugs. 

'I should really be arresting you.' Ryan tells her. 

'No you don't.' Emma shakes her head. 'You're off duty and you've probably had a few drinks yourself. So I'm pretty sure your boss wouldn't approve of you arresting me.' She takes another sip of the drink. 'And besides, how'd you know that there's alcohol in this.' 

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