TWENTY-THREE: "How To Save A Life."

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Three hours go by. Emma is on the ICU. She has been extubated and the lavage tube has been taken out. The cuts on her wrists have either been closed with skin glue or sutures depending on their deepness. Owen is sitting next to her bed, holding onto her hand when Meredith walks in. 

'Has she woken up yet?' Meredith asks. 

'No.' Owen shakes his head. He looks at Meredith and she sees that he's been crying. 'This came out of no-where. She's never said that she wants to die. She's been distant. She's been spending a lot more time in her room. I missed the signs. I should have-' 

'Don't blame yourself, Owen.' Meredith tells him. 'None of us saw this coming.' 

'How long are psyche planning on keeping her?' Owen asks. 

'72 hours.' Meredith replies. 'The standard.' She adds. 'We're all here for Emma. And you. Talk to us. Ask for help. Whatever it is, we're here for you.' 


It has been a few weeks. Emma was released from the hospital after five days. She has been spending a lot more time in her room and in bed, concerning Owen. It's Monday morning. Emma walks downstairs and into the kitchen where Owen, Amelia and Betty are sat at the counter. Leo is sat in his highchair. They see that she's wearing a blue jumper, black ripped jeans and Nike trainers.

 They see that she's wearing a blue jumper, black ripped jeans and Nike trainers

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'Where are you going?' Owen questions. 

'School.' Emma replies, sitting down. 

'Are you sure?' Owen asks. 'Don't you want to take some more time off?' 

'I've got to go back sometime.' Emma states. 'Why not now?' She sees that Owen and Amelia are looking at her with a worried look. 'I'll be fine. I spoke to the principal, I'm on a reduced timetable and there will be a T.A in all of my classes.' 

'Why didn't you speak to me?' Owen asks. 

'Because I knew you'd say no.' Emma replies. 'I just want to get back to normal. Going back to school is me getting back to normal.' Owen and Amelia exchange a look and Emma sighs. 'If I feel like I can't handle going back to school, I'll call one of you and you can come and collect me.' Owen raises an eyebrow. 'I'll text you at the end of each of my lessons.' Owen keeps his eyebrow raised. 'I'll call you at the end of each of my lessons.' 

'I just want to make sure that you're sure that you're ready to go back to school.' Owen tells Emma. 'You haven't been back in a while.' 

'It's not like I'm going to be all alone. Dani will be there, she's in a few of my classes and she'll be "keeping a close eye on me".' Emma responds. She looks at the time. 'I better go. I'm meeting Dani and we're going to walk to school together.' She stands up.

'Are you not going to have any breakfast?' Amelia asks. Emma grabs an apple and banana from the fruit bowl, walks to the fridge and gets a breakfast drink and gets a cereal bar from one of the cupboards. She turns around and shows them to Owen and Amelia. 

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