SIXTEEN: "Gravity."

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Owen stares at Amelia, then at Teddy then back at Amelia.

'Aren't you going to say something?' Amelia asks. Owen clears his throat. 

'Don't get mad because this happened when I was in Germany when we were split up.' Owen starts. He then looks at Teddy. 'Teddy and I slept together and-' He then stops. 

'Oh.' Amelia realises. She also looks at Teddy. 'And you're-?' 

'Yeah.' Teddy nods.

'Wow. Okay.' Amelia sighs, just as the elevator stops and the doors open. 'Erm- I've got to go check on a patient.' She says before quickly running off.

'Amelia! Wait!' Owen runs after her but it's too late, she's out of sight.


It has been a few days. Owen has landed in Zurich to collect Emma. He gets a cab from the airport to the hospital where he is taken to Cristina's office. He knocks on the door. 

'Come in.' He hears Cristina shout. He opens the door and Cristina stands up from her desk and smiles. 'Hey, Owen.'

'Hey.' Owen smiles back. 'Where's Emma?' 

'She's gone to get something to eat.' Cristina tells him. She notices that Owen has gotten a worried look on his face. 'Don't worry, she's with a colleague so she won't be running off anywhere.' They both sit down on the sofa in the office. 

'So the shrink said that she has BPD?' Owen asks. 

'Yeah.' Cristina nods. 'She's been doing well. She hasn't found a way to score any drugs, well, not that I know of anyway. She's stuck to my rules.'

'But the question is will that be the case when we get back to Seattle?' Owen sighs. 'I've already booked her in with a shrink.'

'Don't be too hard on her, Owen. Remember that she can't always control what she does.' Cristina tells him.

'I know.' Owen nods. 'I have something for you.' Owen stands up, opens the door and Meredith walks in.

'MER!' Cristina exclaims, standing up. She quickly runs over to Meredith and hugs her. 'What are you doing here?' 

'To see you, of course!' Meredith grins as they part. 'I thought it was about time I came and visited rather than called.' 

'You know what this means?' Cristina raises an eyebrow. 

'Dance it out!' They both exclaim as they start to dance around the office. Just then, Emma walks into the office. 

'What have I just walked into?' She laughs, shaking her head. Meredith and Cristina stop dancing around and look at Owen. 

'We'll give you guys some space to talk.' Cristina states. Both Cristina and Meredith walk out of the room, closing the door behind them. Emma and Owen stand in silence. After a few moments, Emma clears her throat. 

'I'm sorry, dad.' She apologises. 

'Come here.' Owen extends his arms. Emma walks up to him and they hug. 'You really scared me.' He says. 'I was so worried about you.' He kisses the top of her head. 'There's no denying that we have things to talk about and things we need to sort out.' They part and sit on the sofa. 

'I didn't take drugs during that sting.' Emma states. 

'I know.' Owen nods. 'When you were being taken to the hospital, Ryan's boss went into the club and took the drink you had in for analysis. Their lab found that the drink did have GHB and ecstasy in. I'm sorry I didn't believe you.' 

'Why would you believe me?' Emma laughs. 'I've changed in the last few years, for the worse. I've gotten drunk, I've gotten high, I've OD'd. I've become addicted.' Tears start to fall down her cheeks. 'I'm an addict. I need help. I want to go into rehab.' Owen holds her hand. 

'It takes a lot to admit that.' Owen tells her. 'I'm proud of you. If you want to go into rehab, I'll get you into rehab. What drugs do you have on you?' Emma puts her hand in her back pocket, takes out a bag with pills in and hands them to Owen.

'That's all I have here. There's more at home.' She tells him as slides them in his pocket. Emma starts to break down crying so Owen moves next to his daughter and brings her in for a hug. Emma puts her head on his shoulder and continues to cry. Owen rubs her shoulder.

'I'll be with you. Every step of the way. I promise.'


It has been a week. With Emma being in the early stages of detox, she is not allowed any visitors which is driving Owen crazy. Owen is pacing around the attendings longue when Amelia walks in.

'Owen?' Amelia asks. 'Are you okay?'

'They won't let me see her, they won't let me call her, they won't even let me text her!' Owen tells her. 'What if she's not doing good? What if it's not working?'

'Owen, if something was wrong, they'd call you.' Amelia assures him as she walks up to him. 'She's fine.' She sees that Owen is still distressed. 'Look, it's not going to be easy for her. She'll be in a lot of pain, she'll have lost her dignity but she's getting help.'

'Rehab isn't a definite though. What if she starts using again?' Owen questions. 'And what if I can't help her then?'

'We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.' Amelia tells him. 'I understand what she's going through. I understand how she'll feel when she gets out. She'll need you. She'll need you more than ever and I will be with you.' She puts her hand on the side of his face. 'I will help you through this.'


At the rehab center, Emma is in her group therapy session.

'Miss Logan-Hunt, would you like to add anything?' The counsellor asks, looking at Emma. She's sat on an armchair with her her legs crossed. 'I know you're new here but you haven't participated in any of these sessions. These sessions will help you through your detox and recovery.'

'I have nothing to add.' Emma states.

'There's always something to add.' The counsellor replies. 'You're the youngest here. How does your family feel about this?'

'Well, my mom's in prison so she doesn't know I'm here but my dad, he's a doctor- a surgeon. He's the one that got me a place here. My mom didn't really care what I did or what happened to me. When I moved in with my dad, he knew that there was something wrong. He tried to get me help but I kept denying it. Then one day, I realised that I needed help. That I had to get myself clean.' Emma says, looking down.

'What made you realise that?' The counsellor questions. Emma just stays silent. 'Don't worry. Whatever you say here is confidential.'

'I realised I had to come clean because-' Emma starts, taking a deep breath. 'I realised I had to come clean because I have a brain tumour.'


It's 2019, y'all! When did that happen?! I hope you all enjoyed your celebrations! Here's my first update of 2019!

Let me know what you think!

Here's to a wonderful year!

Much love

Much love

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