FOURTEEN: "Leaving On a Jet Plane."

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'How allergic?' Travis questions.

'Not that bad. I usually struggle with breathing, I get a rash and my pulse goes really slow.' Emma tells him. She then looks at Ryan. 'That's why I got up. I could feel it starting to affect me. It usually starts off by the normal reaction to the drug and then over the course of an hour, the allergic reaction starts to take place.'

'We need to get you to the hospital fast then.' Ben states. 'Let's get you out to the Aid Car.' Ben and Travis help Emma up and take her out to the Aid Car whilst Ryan runs out to the surveillance van to update his boss. Vic, Maya and Andy take the jump bags out to the Aid Car. When Ryan walks over to the Aid Car, Emma is already loaded.

'My boss wants me to ride with her.' Ryan tells Ben and Travis.

'That's fine.' Travis nods. 'We've given her some medicine to reverse the effects of the allergic reaction. Hopefully, we've administered it in time.'

'We need to get going.' Ben says. 'I'll drive.' He jumps out of the Aid Car and turns to Ryan. 'Has Owen been contacted?'

'Yeah.' Ryan nods. 'He said that he'll meet us at Grey-Sloan.'

'Thanks.' Ben nods.


Arriving at Grey-Sloan, Meredith, Owen and Alex are waiting in the Breezeway for Emma to arrive. After a few minutes, the Aid Car pulls up. Ben gets out of the cabin, runs to the back of the Aid Car, opens the door and helps Travis get the gurney down.

'Emma Logan-Hunt. Seventeen-years-old. Her drink was spiked with GHB. She alerted us that she's allergic so we administered adrenaline and as a result, no signs of an allergic reaction have presented. We've put her on an oxygen mask as her oxygen levels have dropped to 94. Her pulse is 65, BP 110/80, GCS 15.' Travis does the handover as they wheel Emma into the ED. They take her to a bay where they line the gurney up with the bed and help her over the bed.

'Thanks, guys.' Alex nods at Travis and Ben before they leave.

'Em, we're going to replace the oxygen mask with an intranasal oxygen line.' Meredith tells Emma as she takes the oxygen mask off and replaces it with the nasal cannula. 'How are you feeling?'

'Like I'm on drugs.' Emma laughs. 'I'm fine, just need to let the drug run its course.'

'If you're allergic to it then that's not a good idea.' Alex says.

'I don't get that much of a reaction.' Emma shakes her head. 'Breathing problems, rash, slow pulse. That's it. Once adrenaline has been given, the drugs slowly stop working, well, that's what I've experienced anyway.'

'We're going to give you something to get rid of the drug anyway.' Meredith informs her. 'Just to be on the safe side.'


Half an hour goes by. Emma has been given an IV to help flush the drug out of her system. Owen and Alex walk up to Emma. Emma notices that Owen has an angry expression on his face.

'I thought you were going to stop taking drugs?' Owen raises his eyebrow.

'I'm confused.' Emma states.

'We obviously ran a tox screen to be certain that it was GHB you were spiked with.' Owen tells her. 'It showed you that you've taken ecstasy.'

'Do you really think that I'd take ecstasy when I'm trying to help the police?' Emma asks.

'I don't know what to think anymore.' Owen says.

'You know what? Screw this.' Emma pulls her IV out and takes the nasal cannula off. She goes to get out of the bed but both Owen and Alex stop her. 'Let. Me. Go.' She tells them quietly. Owen sees the light drain from Emma's eyes. 'I'm fine. The IV is almost done, leaving won't do me any harm.'

'You need to stay here.' Owen tells her, sternly.

'Why? So you can lecture me about how easy it is to get addicted to drugs?' Emma scoffs. 'Fun fact. I'm not an addict. I know when enough is enough. I know when to stop. If you want to lecture someone about drugs, look at who you've been sleeping with and that train wreck she took in.'

'You don't mean that.' Owen shakes his head.

'Does it look like I'm joking?' Emma asks as she pushes Alex and Owen out of the way and gets off the bed. She puts her shoes on.

'Emma, if you walk out of this hospital, you're grounded for two months.' Owen tells his daughter in an effort to get her to stay.

'Like I give a shit!' Emma shouts before walking away.


A few hours later. Owen arrives home. He walks through to the front room and sees Betty and Amelia.

'Has Emma come home?' Owen asks them.

'I thought she was at the hospital with you.' Amelia says.

'Yeah.' Owen nods. 'She was. She walked out. I thought she would come home.'

'Well, as I said on the phone, we went out for dinner. We've only been back about half an hour.' Amelia replies.

'I'll go check her room.' Owen sighs. He walks up to her room and knocks on the door before walking in. He spots Emma's closet wide open. He walks over to it and sees that the majority of her clothes, some shoes plus her suitcase are missing. Sighing, he rubs his forehead.

'Owen?' Amelia shouts.

'In Emma's room.' He shouts back. A few moments later, Amelia walks into Emma's room. 'She's gone.' Owen looks at her. 'Half her clothes are missing.' He then walks to her desk and looks through her draws. 'So is her laptop, phone charger, and make-up.'

'What happened at the hospital?' Amelia questions.

'We found ecstasy in her system as well as the GHB.' Owen answers. 'She tried to leave, Karev and I stopped her the first time and then, I'm telling you, the light in her eyes literally drained. She said some things and then more or less pushed past us.'

'What did she say?' Amelia asks.

'She said that I wanted to lecture someone about drugs, in her own words, to "look at who you've been sleeping with and that train wreck she took in".' Owen replies. Amelia looks down. 'She didn't mean it.'

'I know.' Amelia looks back up. 'The real Emma would never say that. How she's acting now is not the real Emma.'

'You're telling me!' Owen laughs. 'If she doesn't come back in the morning, I'll go out and look for her and then if I can't find her, I'll go to the police.'

'Owen, her clothes are gone, her laptop has gone. She's run away. The police won't be able to do much.' Amelia tells Owen.

'She's got a target on her back.' Owen says. 'People are most likely after her.'

'What people?' Amelia asks confused.

'I best explain everything to you.' Owen sighs.


A few days later, Emma gets off a plane. She gets her bag from the baggage collection and walks through to the arrivals lounge where people are being met by friends and family. Emma looks around and sees a man in a suit holding up a piece of paper with her name on it so she walks over to him.

'Miss Logan-Hunt?' The man asks.

'Yeah.' Emma nods. 'That's me. And if you call me "Miss Logan-Hunt again, I'll knock your teeth out. Emma's fine.'

'Right.' The man acknowledges. 'Fine by me'

'Good.' Emma smiles.

'The car is waiting outside.' The man informs her. 'Would you like me to take your bag?'

'Sure.' Emma hands over her bag and they both walk outside where a limousine is waiting for her. The man puts Emma's bag in the boot before opening the passenger door. Emma gets in, sits next to the person waiting for her and looks at them.

'Does your dad know that you're here?' They question.

'He doesn't need to know.' Emma shakes her head.

'It's nice to see you, Em.' They smile.

'It's nice to see you too Cristina.' 

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