ELEVEN: "Bye, Bye, Bye."

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A few hours later, Emma is lying on her bed on her phone when Owen knocks on the door and walks in. 

'Let's have that talk.' Owen tells her, sitting on the end of her bed. Emma puts her phone down and sits up. 'The way you are acting isn't you. What's going on?' 

'Nothing is going on.' Emma shakes her head. 

'Emma, I'm your dad. I know you and the way are acting is definitely not you.' Owen raises an eyebrow. 'What's going on?' He asks again. Emma stays silent. 'Have it your way.' He sighs. 'You're grounded for two weeks.' He stands back up and walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. 


That night, Owen walks into Emma's room to give her her dinner to find that she's not there and the window is wide open.

'You have got to be kidding me.' He sighs angrily. He then hears some sniggering coming from the closet. He puts the plate of food on Emma's desk and walks to the closet. He opens the door to see Emma stood there, trying to control her laughter. 'That wasn't funny.' Owen shakes his head. 

'It kinda was.' Emma nods, laughing, walking out of the closet. She turns and faces him. 'Your face was hilarious. "You have got to be kidding me".' She mocks him. Owen walks over to her window and closes it. 'I'm not that stupid. I wouldn't shimmy down a drainpipe when I had surgery a month ago.' 

'But it's okay for you to get drunk and high?' Owen asks. 

'This again?' Emma scoffs. 'Yeah, I get it. I could have caused my brain to re-bleed or whatever.' She slumps down onto her bed and starts to cry. 

'Em?' Owen asks, concerned. 'What's wrong?' 

'There's something wrong with me.' Emma looks up at him. 'One minute I'm all "let's go out and party" the next I'm all puppies and rainbows and unicorns".' Owen sits down next to her.

'How long has this been going on for?' Owen questions. 

'I don't know.' Emma shrugs. 'I don't know whether it's the old me trying to gain back control or the new me trying to gain control of the old me.' 

'How about I arrange for you to speak to someone.' Owen suggests.

'What, like a shrink?'

'Yeah.' Owen nods. 'They'll be able to help you with how you're feeling. It could be a result of bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder.' 

'What if it doesn't help? What if it isn't one of those things? What if it's just me being a teenager?' Emma asks. 

'Then we'll deal with that when we come to it.' Owen replies. 'Em, I want to help you but I can't if you don't want to help yourself.'  

'I'll try it.' Emma nods. 'But I don't see it working.' 

'Trying is a good first step.' Owen tells her. He then stands up. 'I'll sort something out tomorrow.' He walks towards the door. 'You're still grounded though.' He walks out, closing the door behind him. 


The next day, Emma walks into the kitchen where Owen and Amelia are preparing breakfast. Emma grabs a mug and pours herself some coffee. 

'I want you to come straight to the hospital after school.' Owen tells her. 'You finish at half three, it's a half hour walk from the school to the hospital. So I want you at the hospital for no later than half four.' 

'Okay.' Emma nods. 

'And I'll be doing a drug test when you get there.' Owen adds. 

'Is that really necessary?' Emma asks. 

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