FIFTEEN: "Baby."

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The driver takes Cristina and Emma to Cristina's house. Once they arrive, Cristina shows Emma to the guest bedroom.

'Can you do me a favour?' Emma asks Cristina.

'Sure.' Cristina nods.

'If my dad calls, can you tell him that you haven't heard from me?'

'I'm not sure I like the idea of lying to him.' Cristina shakes her head.

'Please?' Emma pleads. 'I just need a break from him and from Seattle.'

'Fine.' Cristina nods, giving in.


'But!' Cristina adds. 'If he keeps calling or keeps texting, I will tell him that you're here.'

'Okay.' Emma nods.

'And I have one condition. No drugs. No alcohol.' Cristina tells her.

'Dad told you then, huh?'

'Meredith did.' Cristina corrects her. 'Your dad has explained what's going on with you to everyone.'

'You've dug yourself quite a big hole.' Cristina says.

'I know.' Emma sighs, frustrated as she sinks down onto the bed. 'Let's just hope I don't fall in. Well, I think I've already fallen in so, in that case, let's hope I can climb out.'

'Whilst you're here, Em, I'm going to get someone to talk to you.' Cristina informs the teenager.

'A shrink?' Emma guesses.

'Yeah.' Cristina nods. 'Owen told me he has already told you that the way you're acting could be a sign of BPD or Bipolar Disorder. Speak to them, please.' Emma stays silent for a few moments.

'Fine.' Emma sighs.


The next day, Emma sits in with the Zurich Hospital's main psychiatrist whilst Cristina sits in her office. Cristina has been sitting on the idea of calling Owen. Eventually, she sighs, picks up the receiver and dials Owen's cell number, even though it's three o'clock in the morning in Seattle. After a few minutes, there's an answer.

'No, I don't want whatever you're selling.' Owen says, groggy, thinking that it's a phone call from a telemarketer.

'That's not a polite way to answer the phone.' Cristina says.

'Cristina?' Owen suddenly bolts up in his bed. 'Hey.'

'Hey.' Cristina smiles. 'I have something that belongs to you here.'

'Emma's in Zurich?!' Owen exclaims. 'How the hell did she get over there?'

'I have no idea.' Cristina shakes her head. 'She's safe. I've talked her into talking to a shrink.'

'Thank you for calling me! I'll be there as soon as I can!' Owen starts to get out of bed.

'Owen, I think you should wait another few days to a week. She made me promise that I wouldn't tell you anything.' Cristina informs him.

'I'm her father!'

'I know.' Cristina nods. 'But she said that she needed a break from you and Seattle. Just give her a few days to realise that she needs to call you.'

'You'll text me regularly to let me know how she is?' Owen makes sure.

'Of course, I will.'

'Okay. Thanks. Take care of her.'

'Always.' Cristina laughs.


'Bye.' Cristina hangs up.


Half an hour later, the psychiatrist walks into Cristina's office with Emma.

'Dr Yang, is there any way to contact Emma's father?' They ask.

'You can tell me. I'll pass it on.' Cristina tells them. The psychiatrist looks at Emma who nods.

'I've completed my assessment and it's looking like Emma has Borderline Personality Disorder.' The physiatrist informs her. 'My advice is, and I've already told Emma this, that she makes an appointment with a psychiatrist in Seattle to get her started on some medication.'

'I'll pass on the message.' Cristina nods. 'Thank you.' The psychiatrist smiles and leaves. Emma sits down in the chair.  'At least now you know that the way you're acting isn't you.' 

'Yeah.' Emma sighs. 'But what I'm mixed up in, is hard to get out of. It's going to take a lot more than medication and therapy to fix what I've done.' 

'Em, I think it's time to call your dad.' Cristina says. 

'You've already called him, haven't you?' Emma asks. 

'It was the right thing to do.' Cristina nods. 

'No, I get it.' Emma shakes her head. 'You were married to him. You've experienced his PTSD at its worse. You don't want him to go down that road again.'

'I've told him that you said you need a break from him and Seattle and to give you a few days.' Cristina adds. 'I'll call him later on and tell him what the psychiatrist found. Then in a few days, I'll send one of the institute's jets to Seattle to collect him and bring him here and then you guys can use the jet to take you back to Seattle.' 

'Thanks, Cristina.' 


In Seattle, a storm is ripping through the city. Trees are coming down. Christmas ornaments are being flung around. Grey-Sloan is being put under immense pressure. With the hospital being one of few major trauma centres, most patients are being taken and have been taken there. Owen has just gotten out of surgery, during that surgery, Teddy had told him that she was pregnant with his baby. Angrily, Owen tries to find her. Eventually, he spots her getting onto an elevator. He runs over to her and pushes the elevator doors back open. 

'How could you spring that on me?' Owen asks her. 'Specially when I've been worried about Emma.' 

'I couldn't keep it in any longer.' Teddy tells him. 'Owen, I've got to get back up to the OR.' 

'How long have you know about this?' 

'About two or three months. Roughly.' Teddy admits. 

'What?!' Owen exclaims, stepping into the elevator. Just then Amelia runs into the elevator just in time for the doors to close. 

'Owen, I was going to wait until we found Emma to tell you this but now that we know that Emma is in Zurich with Cristina and safe I want to tell you now.' Amelia says really quickly. 

'Tell me what?' Owen questions. 

'I took a pregnancy test this morning and it came back positive.' Amelia smiles. 'We're having a baby!'


Bit of a short chapter but I wanted to leave this on a bit of a cliffhanger whilst I focus on some other stories for a little while so updates for this book will slow down.

Let me know what you think!

Much love



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