A Different World

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"Hnnggg..." Jordon groaned, waking up from the scent of... something.

Oh, it's weed!

"Jordy, wake up." Dylan spoke softly, lightly shaking Jordon's shoulder.

A grunt was all that Jordon could muster up. So naturally, he grunted.

"Atta boy." George praised. "C'mon, get up." He lended a hand.

Jordon reached out to said hand, sitting up. "Thanks." He pleasantly thanked.

He had hoped that everything would go back to normal, but, like all stories go, it wouldn't go back to normal so easily

Rather than waking up back in his bus, Jordon woke up in the exact bus he woke up in before passing out in the bus he'd been in before. Confusing? It should be. Poor Jordon was confused too.

"Damn, you've been out dead for thirty minutes." Aron said, placing his hands behind his head. "Good thing Dilly here told us weed would wake ya right back up."

"It's gotta be the good kush too, none o' that cheap shit." Dylan added. He held a lit joint.

Jordon, upon further inspection, realized that the "good kush" is nowhere near high quality, it looked and smelled like is was grown in a crack in a sidewalk by a two year old. Hell, a two year old can take better care than whoever the fuck sold them that stank shit.

"Bro," Jorel lazily called out. "the fuck happened to ya?" He was still on the couch, lying down, as if he didn't bother to help Jordon in any way. The amount of white powder around his nose and mouth did nothing but supported that theory.

"Great, he does cocaine now?" Jordon's inner voice sneered. "What's next, there's a random ass animal in the tour bus like those 80's rock bands used to have?" It mocked.

Suddenly, he heard... oinking? Oh, god. Is there a fucking pig in the tour bus?

"Mike!" George and Dylan gleed in unison.

"She must be hungry." Dylan ran out the room.

Aron jogged to the other side of the lounge to retrieve a tiny, brown, hairy pig. He wrapped the pig around his arms, carrying it like a puppy.

"Is that a fucking pig?" Jordon barked, his face wrinkled up.

"Excuse you, she's a hog." George corrected. "A Pygmy Hog tuh' be exact."

"And she has a name too." Jorel ganged up. "And it's Mike."

"Mike?" Jordon repeated.

"Yeah, Mike." Aron assured. "Short for Microwave."

"Jordon," Aron looked worried. "Are you okay? Looks like ya forgettin' a lot of things." He endearingly rocked Mike like a baby.

Before Jordon could even say a word, he was cut off by George. "Ehh, he'll be fiiiiine." He sassily flicked his wrist in the air.

Aron could only give a half-assed smirk as a reply, Jordon could tell from the internal pain in Aron's eyes.

Dylan came back with a handful of... What the fuck is that?

"What the fuck is that?" Jordon pointed.

"I found a buncha bugs near the fridge!" He grinned, holding out an assortment of brown to black bugs. "She must'a been real hungry! She didn't eat a thang the whole day."

At this point, Jordon was irritated. He just wanted to get back to the way things were. Things don't really seem like a joke anymore; this is serious. This is all happening right now.

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