Special Chapter 1

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I'm 17 years old now. And I'm the bully of the school. I'm hot, I'm pretty, I'm savage and I'm the queen of the school.

"Hey Seungmin!" I yelled. Seungmin turned around. He's one of my victim in school.

"Come here!" I said. He mumbled something before he walk towards me.

"Take this book and finish my homework. I want it by tomorrow." I said.

"Sorry, I'm busy today. I have a date with my girlfriend. Spare me for today." He said.

"Sorry, I can't spare you." I said. "I never ask your permission." He said as he walk away.

I scoffed. My heart hurted when he said about his girlfriend.

Actually, I have a crush on him. But he have a girlfriend. Her name is Naeun. I bully him so I can get his attention.

I sighed as I enter my class.


The school already ended and I'm at the mall alone since my friends are busy and my brother is too lazy to accompany me.

Suddenly I saw Seungmin and Naeun at a cafe. I sighed. They looked soo sweet.

Seungmin fed Naeun some bread. I'm raging in jealousy. Should I just forget this feelings?

I remember what eomma said before, 'If you love someone, try to get him.'

But he's taken. Eventhough I'm the bully of the school, I wouldn't take somebody's boyfriend. I sighed as I continue walking to a shop.

Around 3 hours later..


"Auch!" I groaned as someone bumped on me. "Hey, look where you're walking!" The girl yelled.

I looked up to see Naeun. There's no sight of Seungmin. I guess he went to the toilet or something.

"Sorry." I said as I tried to walk away. "Just sorry?! You have stained my white shirt with your coffee!" She yelled.

Everybody is looking at us. I scoffed as I took out my wallet.

I took out 50,000 won and give it to her. "Take this money and buy new shirt." I said as I walked away.

"What a bother." I mumbled as I get out of the mall and took a taxi to go back home.


"Minyoung, go and call your appa, Jihoon and Miso. The dinner is ready." Eomma said.

I called them as I helped eomma to get the table ready.

"What's up with you and Seungmin?" She asked. I sighed. "Eomma, he have a girlfriend. It sucks to see him with his girlfriend." I said.

"Be patient, honey." My mom said. "I'm desprate to have him but I don't wanna be a hoe and break their relationship." I said.

"Love doesn't mean you have to have him. You can make him happy by being his friend and be there when he needed someone." My mom said.

I smiled weakly. Yeah. Eomma is right. I should move on and be his friend instead of being his 'emeny'.


Special Chapters just for you guys since I saw that Mr. Bad Boy's being a rising story! Give a big clap for yourself!

I wanna thank the readers who is being very sporting. Thank you for reading my books.

Who do you think should be together?

- Seungmin and Minyoung (MinMin couple)
- Seungmin and Naeun (MiNa couple)

I will update the S. C when one of the ships get 5+ votes.


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