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Harry turned just in time to see one of the infected coming towards him.
It walked slowly, limping slightly. He could see that its ankle was twisted, but didn't know weather it was before or after the infection. Like the others, its skin was gray and he could see the blue veins up and down its body.
It was hard to remember they used to be someone. Harry always found himself imagining the life they had before. A boy with parents, crying for their only son to come back home, but never would, or a mother with a husband and three children, who were all probably infected too by now.
He blinked, as bullets flew past his head and into the skull of the infected which stood only a few feet in front of him.
Harry turned around his eyes falling on his two friends, both of them wearing matching angry faces.
“Come on mate, that's the third time today,” Ron said shaking his head.
Hermione gave a disappointed look, “Harry you have to stop spacing out like that. One of these days you're going to end up dead because of it, and then where would that leave us?”
They had both repeatedly told him again and again to stay focus and not get caught upon his own thoughts, but he couldn't help himself, sometimes his thoughts just ran wild, it wasn't like he was doing it on purpose.
“I know guys, I'm sorry. I just got a little distracted, I promise it won't happen again.”
Hermione raised one eyebrow, “Just like you promised last time and the time before that?”
“Yeah, I just didn't get enough sleep last night, but I'll try real hard to tonight.”
“Was it the nightmares again?” she asked.
Harry shrugged moving his eyes towards the ground.
“I'll try to find some dreamless sleep.”
“Thanks Hermione,” Harry said, giving a small smile.
Ron came over and placed his arm around his girlfriend's waist. “Well I think it's time to head back, dinner’s soon and we have to get there early in order to get the good stuff.”
Hermione chuckled, “Okay Ron.”
They began walking down the road together, arms around each other, laughing and giggling.
Harry didn't think he was jealous, but he did feel a tightening in his stomach. They just looked so happy together. Was it bad that he wanted that too?
“Harry,” Ron yelled, “Are you coming?”
“Yeah,” Harry replied, running to catch up to them.

Harry was sitting at the table picking at his steak and peas when the conversation was brought up again.
“So,” Ron said, swallowing the food in his mouth, “what were you thinking about this time?”
“Just imagining what they were like before.”
“Harry you need to let that go, they are not human anymore, stop bringing yourself down about this,” Hermione said.
“But what if they are still alive. What if they can still think and feel. We could be killing people who are still alive!”
Hermione slammed her silverware onto the table, making Harry jump.
“They are not people, Harry! They're zombies! They can't feel and they can't think. They are dead! Why can't you get that through your head?”
Harry stared down at his plate, furious.
“I think I'll go to bed now,” he said, pushing himself away from the table.
“Wait Harry, I'm sorry!”
Walking past her, he stomped up the stairs and into his room slamming the door behind him and locking it.

The next morning, Harry woke to soft knocking at his door. He unlocked it, opening it enough so that he could peak his head out. Standing on the other side was a very apologetic Hermione.
“Can we talk?”
He nodded, stepping back so that she could enter the room.
She didn't say anything as she walked in, however she did wrinkle her nose at the foul smell that surrounded her.
“I want to say I'm sorry for the way I acted last night, there was no need for me to yell at you. It's just that I hate when you bring up that conversation, because it tears me up inside knowing that there could be a chance that the infected are alive.”
“I know Hermione, I shouldn't have brought it up again.”
“So are we good?”
“Yeah,” Harry said, pulling her in for a hug.
“So Ron, Neville, Seamus, and I are going to head out before lunch, care to join us?”
“Yeah sure, just let me get changed first.”
“Okay, see you in a few minutes,” she said, walking out of the room, slowly closing the door behind her.
Once everyone had grabbed all their supplies, they headed out. The sun heated down on them as they walked, their eyes scanning the ground for any signs of the infected.
“So Harry,” Seamus said, bumping into his side, “got any plans for today?”
“Not really, I think I'm just going to stay at the base.”
“Awe that's no fun, you gotta get out of that stuffy building and start coming with us on our special expeditions.”
“No thanks.”
“Come on Harry, Neville, Ron, Dean and I are all going out to the stadium tonight to shoot a few rounds, it would be real great if you could join us.”
“Maybe next time.”
“Suit yourself, just know you're always welcome to join us at anytime,” Seamus said, placing his hand on Harry's shoulder and giving it a slight squeeze.
“Got it.”

It was almost time for the boys to head out and Harry was still contemplating whether or not he should go with. There were only a couple of minutes where he argued with himself before he came to a decision. He threw on a clean shirt and vest, stumbling out his door and down the stairs.
“Hey wait up guys, I'm going with.”
Seamus smiled, I knew you were gonna change your mind, now let's get going.”
“Harry, don't forget to get rid of those pesky Wrackspurts, they'll make your brain all fuzzy!”
“Okay Luna, I won't forget!” Harry said, running out the door.

They were walking towards the stadium, laughing and shoving each other, when Harry felt something. Like they were being watched. A shiver ran down his spine and stopped, turning around. But nothing was there.
“What is it Harry?” Dean asked, raising his gun.
“Ah nothing, thought I saw something.”
“Probably just a tree or something mate, stop being so paranoid,” Seamus said, shoving Harry's shoulder and jogging to catch up with the others.
Maybe he was paranoid, perhaps the whole zombie apocalypse was finally getting to him.
Looking up, Harry realized the other guys were getting a little too far ahead.
“Hey guys wait u-Ahh!”
Harry felt something grab him and then there was a sharp pain in his shoulder. He screamed louder, trying to push the person of of him.
A loud shot rang out, and Harry heard the sound of a body hitting the ground.
He turned around looking down at the person who attacked him.
It was an infected. And its mouth was covered in blood, his blood.
“Harry what's wrong?” Neville asked. “Are you okay?”
Harry turner back towards them.
“I don't-”
Neville gasped.
“Harry, your shoulder.”
He looked down and sure enough, there was a bite mark, blood pooling out of it.
“He's been bitten,” Seamus stated.
They stared at him, with looks of horror and pity. Then Ron lifted his gun, pointing it at him.
“Wait no!”
“We're sorry Harry, but you know the rules, anyone bitten must be killed before the turn,” Ron cried, tears running down his face.
“No, you guys don't have to do this, please!”
Ron put his finger on the trigger and pulled.
Harry felt the bullet hit his stomach, and screamed. Watched as the thick red liquid poured out of the wound. He placed his hand over it to try and stop the bleeding, but the blood just ran between his shaking fingers.
Another bullet hit his right thigh, felt it as it embedded itself into his skin. He cried out, falling onto the cold ground.
“Stop!” he pleaded. “It hurts!”
There were footsteps coming from behind him, hundreds of them.
Turning his head, Harry was shocked to see a huge hoard of infected coming towards him.
It seemed like the guys had spotted them too.
“Come on guys we've got to go,” Dean urged, grabbing onto Ron's shoulder and pulling.
“But what about Harry?” Neville asked.
“We leave him,” Seamus said. “The infected will just finish him off.”
“No stop!” Harry cried as he watched them run away. “Please come back!”
The footsteps were getting louder, it was only a matter of seconds before they reached him.
“Help me…”
He felt one brush his leg, making him shudder.
However, the infected continued walking. They ignored him. He really was infected.
Tears streamed down his face as he cried, loud sobs escaping his lips. He was going to die. Become a mindless zombie who will later get shot and then that's it, end of story. The pain was gone, and Harry no longer felt the blood running down his body. If that's what death's like, then maybe it’s not so bad.
His eyes were growing tired and there was nothing stopping him from just giving in. He closed his eyes and let the world fade to black.

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