Chapter One

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Two Weeks Later

Draco couldn't remember what everything was like before the virus. It was infecting his mind like everyone else, replacing his childhood memories with ones more gruesome and horrific. Although, it did let him keep his darkest memories. Like the war. No, he could never forget the war, no matter how much he wished he could.
Now he was alone, alive purely because of his own survival instincts, and he wanted to keep it that way. There was no reason to make friends if they were only going to stab you in the back at the first sign of danger. Which is why he's still alive, or so he thought.
Draco walk walking stealthily down the street, staying within the shadows, holding his double barrel shotgun steadily in front of him. Another reason why he’s lasted so long, he has common sense.
Usually he wouldn't even step outside, but unfortunately he ran out of supplies, and was in desperate need of food. Which was why he was heading to the mall in the first place. Now normal people would say he's crazy, because the malls are the main hideouts for the infected, besides hospitals. But he had what they didn't. Magic.
He stood a few blocks away, closing his eyes, and focused on where he wanted to go. There was the feeling of wind hitting his body, and deafening his ears. Once it was over, he opened his eyes finding himself standing in the middle of Target.
Draco had been there many times before in order to get supplies, so he knew for a fact that the whole store was locked down and that there were no infected inside. The store management was actually smart and closed it right before the virus reach there. Unfortunately he was also stupid and left right after.
Draco ran to the canned food aisle, grabbing as many cans of peas, corn, and green beans and shoving them into his backpack. He also grabbed a few water jugs as well.
Once he had everything he needed, Draco apparated back out side. He spun around quickly, about to head back home, when his body rammed into something hard, causing him to land on his arse.
Draco rubbed at a growing bruise appearing on his forehead.
He opened his eyes, glaring up at whatever hit him, only to be met with bright green eyes.

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