Chapter Two

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Harry Potter. Draco hasn't seen him since the war. He looked terrible, very pale and his hair was a real mess, but that was normal. He was wearing a red button up shirt, and navy blue jeans. Draco was about to ask him just why the hell he was there, when Potter suddenly lashed out at lightning speed, and grabbed onto his arm with an iron grip.
“Potter! What the hell?”
He tried to pull away to no avail.
“Potter, what the fuck? Let me go!”
He tried to pry Potter's fingers off his arm, which only caused them to tighten.
It was then that he noticed the blood. Some covered his right shoulder. It was dry but but Draco could still see the teeth marks. More blood, fresh blood, ran down his mouth and chin.
“You're infected,” he whispered.
Potter's eyes didn't meet his, almost as if he was ashamed. But his fingers loosened around Draco's arm.
He yanked his arm out of the other boy’s grasp, and took a few steps back, watching as Potter tried to reach back out to grab him again.
He quickly reached behind him, and pulled out his gun, pointing it directly at Potter's head.
He froze.
Draco had his finger on the trigger, and was about to pull it when he saw Potter flinch.
He lowered his gun a little, examining Potter more.
One hand was covering his stomach while the other was clutching at his side.
“Move your hand,” he commanded.
Potter hesitated, before slowly moving his hand to rest at his side like the other.
Draco let out a soft gasp.
There in the middle of Potter's stomach was a bullet sized hole, coated in dry blood.
“You were shot,” he stated, eyes moving to the other boys face.
Again, Potter was staring at the ground avoiding eye contact.
It was so difficult to hate him right then, all of the hatred that had built up over the years disappeared. The spoiled boy that had taken everything he'd ever wanted, was replaced with a boy who had nothing, and no one left.
Draco hated to admit it but he felt pity for the boy who lived. Which is probably why the next words that came out of his mouth sounded so crazy.
“You're not going to hurt me right?”
Potter actually looked up at him and shook his head.
Draco sighed. “I can't believe I'm doing this.”
One more look into Potter's sad eyes and he had made up his mind.
“Okay Potter, let's go.”
He grabbed onto the other boy's arm and apparated home.

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