Chapter Fourteen

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“What's going on?” Draco yelled over the sound of the alarm.
“The infected,” Thomas yelled, “they're inside the compound!”
“But how could that happen?” Long bottom shouted. “There was no way they could get in!”
“I don't know, but we have to get to the front office and shut off the alarm!”
They continued running through corridors, all of which looked the exact same to Draco.
“Take the next right!” Creevey hollered.
They reached a large black door, and Thomas pulled out a ring of keys.
“You've got to be kidding me!” Draco yelled.
“Guys! We've got company!”
Draco turned to the right to see a crowd of infected coming their way, he looked left but all hopes of seeing an exit disappeared when he saw an equal large group of infected.
“We're trapped!”
“Hurry up Thomas!”
“Shut up and stop pressuring me!”
Thomas continued to fumble with the keys, almost dropping them twice.
“Got it!”
They quickly opened the door, slamming it shut behind them and locking it.
Thomas grabbed onto a lever on the wall, and pulling it. The alarm shut off and they were finally surrounded by silence. That is, until Longbottom decided to break it.
“Now what?” he whispered.
The sudden banging at the door answered his question.
“We're getting the hell out of here!” Draco said, looking for an exit.
“The vent,” Creevey said.
They quickly pulled the vent plate off, and climbed through.
Even though Draco knew they had no idea where they were going, he felt a whole lot safer with them than by himself.
“Okay, the exit door should only be a few feet-”
Suddenly there was a loud creaking noise before Draco felt the metal fall from underneath of him.
He hit the ground, letting out a hiss of pain as he landed on thigh and elbow.
“Is everyone alright?” he heard Thomas ask.
Draco's first thought was, where’s Harry, and is he okay? He lifted his head, seeing Harry directly in front of him. He had a few scratches, but other than that he looked fine.
“Seamus?” Thomas said.
Sitting up Draco looked around, but saw no sign of his zombie friend.
“Well, well, well,” they all turned their heads at the familiar voice.
Staring back at them, with a smirk of his face, was the devil himself, and he was holding a knife to Seamus's throat.
“Isn't this a shocking sight to see,” Weasel said, tightening his grip on the knife, “by best mates siding with the enemy.”
“Ron, please just let him go.”
“Do you seriously still care about this thing Dean? Can't you see it isn't him. Seamus is dead!”
“No he isn't!”
“You can't see it. None of you can! But I can, I know what it really is. A monster, they both are!”
“Shut up!” Draco yelled, bringing Harry closer to him.
“I know what you're feeling,” Weasel said. “I had to go through the same thing. Hermione was bitten a few weeks after Harry, I was the only one around. She begged me to kill her, to make sure she didn't turn into one of them. It was so hard to pull that trigger, I loved her. But in the end, we all have to make sacrifices to save the ones we love, don't we.”
“You know none of us are making it out of here alive,” he continued. “It's over, time to move on.”
Seamus suddenly jerked, lashing out, and biting Weasel right on the neck. Weasel screamed, reaching his hand to his neck trying to stop the blood gushing out of it.
“Come on, let's go!” Thomas yelled, running towards the exit.
Draco only allowed himself to look back once, before he followed the others, slamming the door shut behind them.

Ron lay on the ground, his eyes staring up at the ceiling. He closed his eyes, feeling his life slowly fade away. He deserved this, he told himself, tears streaming down his face. Now he would never see her again.
He opened his eyes, and choked.
Staring down at him was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
She smiled at him, “Well, are you coming or not?”
Ron smiled back, reaching out to grab her extended hand.
He held her, her wavy brown hair pressed up against his face.
“God I missed you,” he cried.
“I missed you too.”
They pulled apart.
“Let's go home,” she said.
Together they walked away, their hands in each others.
“I love you Hermione.”
“I love you too Ron.”

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