Chapter Five

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Draco eyes snapped open at the feeling of someone touching his shoulder. He kept to a sitting position and grabbed onto the person's arm, twisting it slightly.
When his eyes adjusted, he was surprised to see Potter's dark hair.
“Potter what the fuck are you doing? You can't just come in here without saying anything! You scared the shit out of me!”
Potter said nothing, staring at the floor.
“Potter look at me when I'm talking to you!”
Potter lifted his head, staring at Draco with scared eyes. Draco was slightly taken aback by the tears streaming down his face. His anger was soon replaced with worry.
“What happened? Are you okay?”
Potter shook his head.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Potter shook his head.
“ you want to sleep in here with me tonight?”
He nodded.
“Alright but you're sleeping on the floor.”
Draco got out of bed and grabbed a extra pillow and a blanket, placing them on the floor.
Potter lied down, and Draco got back into a comfortable position, his body facing Potter.
However, after a few minutes, he found that he could not sleep because of some itching feeling.
Opening his eyes, Draco found two green orbs staring back.
“Stop staring at me Potter and go to sleep,” Draco said, turning the other direction.
Draco ignored him, closing his eyes once again.”
“What!?” Draco snapped, turning back around.
“Seriously Potter, I'm trying to sleep.”
Staring into those eyes that were filled with the tiniest bit of hope, Draco couldn't find it in himself to say no.
“Well, you're Harry Potter, Gryffindor hero.”
“Uh, Gryffindor means you're brave,” He explained when Potter gave him a confused look.
“And you have two best friends Gra- Hermione and Ron. You guys do everything together.”
Potter pointed at Draco then at himself.
“Oh, we hate each other.”
Draco shrugged. “You didn't shake my hand when we first met, said you didn't want to be my friend.”
Potter sat up and reached out his hand, but Draco only looked at it with disgust.
“No Potter,” he spat. “You had your chance. And after realizing how much of a prick you are, I don’t ever want to be your friend.”
He slowly lowered his hand and lied back down.
Draco brushed off the guilt that was gnawing at him, and fell back asleep.

When Draco awoke it was still dark. Sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he reached over and turned on the lamp on his nightstand.
There was soft crying coming from the floor, and he looked down to see the source of the noises.
Potter was curled up on the floor, his body in a fetal position. His face was morphed into what looked like a grimace, and quiet whimpers were escaping his lips.
Draco crawled out of bed, and was soon at Potter's side.
“Potter? Wake up!” he hissed, shaking the other boy's shoulder.
Potter's eyes snapped open and he gasped. His eyes searched his surroundings frantically, clearly panicking.
Before he even realized what he was doing, Draco had pulled Potter's shaking body into his arms, whispering reasurences into his ear.
“Hey, it's just a nightmare, you're okay.”
Potter's body tensed, and Draco started to run one hand through his hair, while the other rubbed his back.
His shoulders started to shake and Draco felt tears run down his neck.
Draco only held him tighter.

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