Chapter Twelve

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After finding out that the other Gryffindors took Potter back to their hideout, he asked Finnigan if he remembered how to get there.
Which is how he found himself and Finnigan walking down the street together.
Granted, the other boy wasn't much company, but it was better than being alone.
“Hey Finnigan, you sure you're going to be okay?” Draco asked, only to be met with silence. “Finnigan?”
“Oh, uh, sorry. Seamus, are you sure you're going to be alright?”
He shrugged.
Draco felt bad for him. It seemed like he was suffering from a broken heart, and would spend the rest of his new life in pain. Draco couldn't even imagine that kind of horror. Maybe that's why he decided to befriend Seamus, out of pity. Certainly not because he liked him, or so he told himself.

“How long till we're there?”
Draco looked up to find a fortress. There had to be at least twenty buildings, and ten towers, all surrounded by a twelve feet tall, barb wire fence. He had never seen anything like it. It’s size was double that of the Manor.
“How are we going to get in?”
Seamus gave him a are you stupid look. “”
“Sure, sounds great. However, there's just one itty bitty problem. You're infected, and I'm me, there's no way they're letting either of us through that gate.”
Seamus started to walk away, before Draco grabbed his arm. “Where are you going?”
Draco allowed himself to be lead away, keeping close to Seamus, and staying in the shadows.
Draco looked at what Seamus was pointing at, but found nothing but a brick wall.
“What are you talking about? There's nothing there!”
The other boy only rolled his eyes, and walked towards the wall, placing both hands onto it, and gave it a strong shovel.
A loud gasp escaped Draco's lips, as the bricks moved backwards, revealing a small dark passage.
“Seamus you're a bloody genius!”
Seamus gave a small shy smile, his face blushing a faint pink.
They cautiously walked down the pitch black corridor, taking small steps, and keeping their arms out in front of them.
Suddenly Seamus stopped, causing Draco to ram right into his back, leaving him sprawled on the cold ground.
“S...or...ry,” He apologized.
“It's fine, how much longer till we're out of here?” Draco asked, getting back to his feet.
The wall in front of them make a soft noise, moving back and opening like the one before. Light pooled in, blinding both of them.
When Draco could finally open his eyes, he was shocked at what he saw.
They were in a huge arched room made of wood, filled with large arched windows, although most of them were boarded up with wood planks and sheets of metal. The room itself was filled with tables, chairs, shelves, and desk. He was also sure he saw an old grand piano as well, however nothing was in great condition. The dust covering each surface made it seem like none of the furniture was used for at least a year.
“What is this place?” He asked.
“,” Seamus replied. “”
As they walked past a few knocked over tables and chairs, something on the wall caught Seamus’ eye.
There scratched into the stone was a heart with the D.T. and S.F. carved into the middle. Although he didn't remember making that, he did know what it stood for. He looked away, a single tear streaming down his cheek, not caring when the memories went with it.
Draco followed the other boy as they traveled further down the hall, keeping his eyes peeled for any signs of danger.
“H...ere,” Seamus said, pointing to a steel door with a lock on it.
“Harry?” Draco whispered, not at all bothered by the fact it was the first time he had called Harry by his first name.
“Draco?” came a soft voice on the other side.
He sighed with relief.
“Just hold on Harry, I'm going to get you out of there.”
Draco lifted his rifle, and blasted the lock clean off the door, letting it claim loudly onto the stone floor.
He through the door open, his eyes quickly searching the dimly lit room for any signs of Harry. What he saw almost made him cry.
Harry sat in the farthest corner, his frail body hunched over in a defensive way, both his wrist in chains. From what Draco could see, he had been severely beat, definitely not fed. Small purple bruises covered his arms and legs, his lip was split, and he had a black eye. His ribs and other bones could be seen even underneath his clothing. He almost looked the same way he did that night at the Manor a year ago, barely recognizable, but Draco could tell, same as before. How could he not, he'd spent pretty much ninety five percent of his time at Hogwarts staring at him.
He ran to Harry, wrapping his arms around his small frame and squeezing tightly.
“God I'm so sorry, I yelled at you,” Draco cried.
“For good reason, I was being such an arse.”
Harry giggled, “Can't...disagree.”
“Okay, let's get these chains off of you.”
As Draco reached for Harry's wrist, he heard the sudden familiar click of a gun.
“Well what do we have here?”

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