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Draco watched the sun rise. It was so beautiful, the way the sky turned from black to a mixture of, pinks, oranges, and yellows. The sight took his breath away.
Two arms wrapped around his waist, and Draco smiled.
“Hey babe,” he said, turning his head and gave Harry a kiss directly on his lips.
“Morning,” Harry replied, smiling back.
Draco loved his just woke up look, the way his hair was somehow messier than usual, how he looked drunk when he smiled. It made him want to kiss those lips once more, which is exactly what he did.
“God I love you so much,” he whispered.
“Well I should hope so, I'm the only one who will put up with your shit.”
“Shut up and kiss me.”

He lifted his head at the familiar smooth voice.
“I'm so sorry!”
The darker boy wrapped his arms around him, and for some reason, he didn't quite mind as much. Maybe it was because he had forgiven him some time ago.
“I never meant to hurt you, you know that right?”
He did, even right after he woke up, he knew. He saw the hesitation, the pain in those brown eyes, just before he pulled the trigger. It didn't matter though. He had Dean, and he was never going to let him go ever again.
“I love you so much Seamus,” he cried, hugging him tighter.
“I love you too.”

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