Chapter Seven

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“Are you sure about this Potter?”
They were standing just outside the park entrance, watching for any signs of infected.
“It's just, it's going to be my life on the line if we go in there, so sorry if I'm a little hesitant.”
Potter reached out and grabbed the gate handle, pulling it toward him.
The gate made a loud squeaking noise, causing Draco to cringe.
They cautiously crept inside, not bothering to close the gate behind them.
“Seriously Potter, I don't think this is a good idea, how about we just head back home before anything bad happens.”
Potter shook his head. “Protect.”
“Oh really? Well that makes me feel so much better,” Draco said, rolling his eyes.
Looking around, he realized how beautiful everything was. Giant oaks towered over them, letting the sun shine through their leaves, and bright cherry red roses littered the stone brick path.
Suddenly there was the sound of a twig snapping behind them.
Draco turned around, but saw nothing but bushes.
Then one of them moved.
There was only a split second where Draco shoved Potter out of the way, before he found himself lying on the ground fighting for his life as an infected sat on top of him.
It's teeth were only a few inches away from his neck when it was suddenly thrown off him.
Draco looked on in shock as Potter jumped onto it and started punching it's face into the ground with incredible strength.
Only when it's face was barely recognizable did Potter stop and stand up.
He let out a terrifying screech, loud and challenging.
Potter turned back to Draco, grabbing tightly onto his arm and pulling him along.
Draco was so at lost for words that he didn't even say anything when he felt the blood on Potter's fist run down his arm.
Instead he allowed Potter to literally drag him through the park without a word.
Draco didn't know how, but somehow they arrived at a muggle pub.
“What are we doing here?”
“There's no one here, how are we going to have any fun?”
They slowly crept inside, making sure to keep their eyes peeled.
Potter headed towards a table, pushing Draco into a booth.
“Uh yeah, sure. I’ll just have a butterbeer.”
Potter nodded, walking away.
The TV in front of Draco suddenly turned on, showing some kind of muggle movie about a rich girl and a penniless boy who fall in love on a really big boat.
Seriously, he thought, who comes up with this stuff.

Potter was behind the bar trying to remember what butterbeer looked like. It was only after ten minutes did he realize that it was labeled and right in front of him the whole time.
Grabbing two large glasses, he began filling them both up to the top.
He was only halfway done with filling the second glass when he was startled by loud shouting, causing him to spill a little bit onto the counter.
He quickly grabbed the beverages, and hurried back to when he left Draco.

“That's so stupid!” Draco shouted at the screen.
“Malfoy? What’s...wrong?”
Draco pointed to the TV. “There was enough room on that door for the both of them. She's just being selfish.”
Potter laughed. “Titanic?”
“Isn't that what the ship's called?”
Draco scoffed when Rose realize Jack was dead.
“Jack? Jack? Jack?”
“He's fucking dead!” Draco yelled.
Potter tried to hold back his laughter.
“I'll never let go Jack, I'll never let go.”
“You just did!”
Potter burst out laughing.

“Ahgg! That movie was stupid!”
“Sad,” Potter stated.
“No it wasn't! It was stupid! I mean why would she throw the diamond into the ocean? She could have given it to her daughter, so that she would have money for, I don't know collage!”
Potter shrugged.
“,” he said.
“Really? So she was actually a real person?”
“Did it actually sink then?”
“Wow, a lot of people must have died then huh.”
Potter nodded.
Draco looked at his empty glass and sighed.
“Well, let's head back home before it gets dark.
He stood up and headed towards the door, however he stopped when cold fingers wrapped around his arm.
“What are you doing Potter?” he questioned.
“What on Earth do you mean, the movies over, it's time to go home.”
He took a deep breath, his fingers tightening around Draco's skin.
Draco ripped his arm out of his grasp, a look of horror and disgust on his face.
“Excuse me?”
“Let's make one thing clear Potter,” Draco spat. “This was not a date.”
He watched as the hope disappeared from Potter's eyes, only to be replaced with overwhelming despair and sadness.
He didn't care, Draco thought, it wasn't his fault that this Potter was broken and was too emotionally unstable.
“I'm going home, with or without you,” he said, walking out the door.

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