Chapter Three

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As soon as Draco found himself in his living room, he released Potter's arm as if it’d burned him, and walked away.
“Stay there, and don't touch anything!” he yelled, walking into the kitchen.
He emptied all of the canned food into the cupboards, and the water jug in the fridge.
Once everything was started, Draco headed upstairs towards the bathroom, sneaking a quick glance at Potter as he passed. He began to search through his medicine cabinets in search of any kind of supplies that he could use to help Potter with his wounds. Not because he cared about Potter, he didn’t. He was only doing it so that none of his furniture got any blood or puss on them.
He gathered all the supplies the thought he would need and headed back to the living room where he found Potter standing in the exact same spot he left him. It didn't seem like he had moved at all.
Draco set his materials down, then laid a few green towels he took from the bathroom and covered the couch with them.
“Okay Potter, take off your shirt and lie down.”
Potter stared at him with a blank look before he began to struggle with the buttons on his shirt. And after five minutes, Draco had had enough.
“Agh, just get over here and let me do it,” he snapped.
Potter started to walk over, but by two steps, walking turned to limping.
“What's wrong with your leg?”
Potter stared down at his leg, but gave no further information.
Draco sighed and walked closer, getting on one knee so it would be easier to examine Potters leg. At first he didn't see anything, but then he noticed a couple small drops of blood. Pulling down Potter's pants leg and straightening it out, allowed him to finally locate the wound, another gunshot, resting just below his kneecap. It was definitely infected.
“Alright, I need you to take off both your shirt and jeans so that I can see the wounds better.
Potter just stared blankly at him.
Draco let out another loud sigh, reached out and started unbuttoning Potter's shirt.
He slowly slipped it off, and tried not to stare to log at the dark blue veins that covered Potter's chest and arms.
“I'm sure you can take your jeans off by yourself then?”
Draco waited, but when it seemed like Potter was not going to comply, he snapped.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!” Draco shouted, shoving Potter's chest, causing him to stumble back. “Can't you see I'm trying to help you? Why can't you just follow simple directions you bloody idiot?!”
He stood fuming just waiting for Potter to snap back and yell or shove or even punch him in the face. But he did none of those things. He stayed still and stared at the tan carpet that covered Draco's living room floor.
“Why aren't you doing anything?” Draco screamed at him. “Fucking say something!”
Draco pushed him again, shoving him hard into the wall behind him, causing Potter's head to hit with a sickening crack.
“C...can..t,” Potter whispered.
“Can't what? What can't you do Potter? I thought that the golden boy could do whatever the hell he wanted, so tell me, what the bloody hell can't you do?!”
It was as if Potters words were like cold ice water poured onto his head, his anger just seemed to vanish.
“,” Potter struggled to say.
“You mean you don't remember anything before what? Before you became infected?”
Potter nodded slowly.
“But you understand words?”
He nodded again.
“Do you know who I am?”
Potter shook his head, and Draco tried to hide his disappointment.
“Do you know who you are?”
Potter shook his head.
No wonder he didn't listen to me, Draco thought, he doesn't even remember his own name.
The old Draco would use this to his advantage, don't get him wrong though, he'd thought about it, but it just seemed so wrong. He immediately dismissed the thought.
“Okay, your name's Harry Potter.”
“Yes, and my name is Draco Malfoy.”
“Yes, but we call each other by our last name, so I call you Potter, and you call me Malfoy.”
“We just do!” Draco snapped, causing Potter to flinch.
Draco sighed, I'm going to go make myself a cup of tea, can you remove your jeans on your own?”
Potter nodded.
“Good, just lie down on the couch once you're done, I'll be right back,” Draco said, walking out of the living room and into the kitchen.

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