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(1 Month Later)

Damien's Pov

Shayne hasn't talked to me in a month. The only time he would say something to me is when he needed something or someone told him to tell me something.

Shayne's Pov

I haven't talked to Damien in a month. It is really hard. But I know he is going to ask me what's wrong and I can't tell him. It could ruin our friendship and I don't want that to happen. I am depressed and I have anxiety. I'm starting to wear darker clothes instead of my old bright fun clothes. I also wear only long sleevs or jackets every day. I have to. So I can cover up my scars from me cutting my self. I don't want anyone's pity. Especially not Damien worrying about me. I don't deserve him. Damien keeps asking me what's wrong, but all I do is shut him out.

Damien's Pov

I keep asking Shayne what's wrong with him. He started wearing darker clothes and every single day he has a long sleeve or jacket on. The thing is that it is not even cold. Every single time I try to ask him about it he either walks away or ignores me like I'm not there. He keeps shutting me out. I'm afraid I've lost my best friend.

(1 Week Later)

Damien's Pov

I woke up early today. I couldnt go back to sleep, so I decided to go make breakfast. I open my room door and started walking down the hall. While I'm walking I notice that Shayne's room door is open. He was inside with his eyes clothes and his shirt off listening to music. I look at Shayne and then to his wrists. I see a lot of scars from cuts on his wrists.

Shayne's Pov

I was in my room on my bed with my eyes closed. I was listening to music with my shirt off because it was hot. The door was open too. I knew Damien wasn't getting up anytime soon, soI decided to do this, this one time. All of a sudden I felt something or someone grab my wrist. I jump, out of fear and when I open my eyes, I see Damien holding my wrists.

"Wtf!!!! You scared the hell out of me!!!" I yelled while quickly putting on my shirt. I hope he didn't see the scars.

"Sorry. I kept calling you but you didn't answer." He said.

"I couldn't hear you. Now get out." I said rushing him out.

Damien's Pov

Shayne starting rushing and pushing me out of his room.

"Come on. I just want to talk please." I pleaded. He said nothing.

"I know you can here me this time. Now you are just ignoring me." I stated. Hoping he would stop.

Shayne kept pushing me out his room. He pushed me all the way out. He was about to close and lock the door, but I stopped it with my hand. Shayne is stronger than me though. He pushed the door shut and locked it.

"Shayne. Please open up. Just talk to me." I said. Hoping he would open the door.

"I saw the scars. Just tell me this. Why?" I asked.

I heard the door unlock, so I opened it. I saw Shayne crying. I quickly ran over to him and hugged him. This time he let me. We stood there for a couple of minutes, both of us crying, until he backed away.

"Shayne, why? Why would you do something like that to yourself?" I asked him.

"I don't know." He said with a quiet voice.

I knew he was lying so I asked him again.

"Shayne, I know when your lying. Why did you do it?" I said with a more stern but concerned tone of voice.

"I did it because......I'm gay." He said tears, starting to fall from his eyes again.

I gave him another hug. We stayed like that until he calmed down.

"Why would you do that because you're gay?" I asked while letting go of the hug.

"I found out I was gay when I started to like someone. I soon realized that I can't date them because.....they aren't gay. Also I don't want to ruin our friendship. I would rather have them as my friend than not have them at all. So, I couldn't deal with the pain of knowing that. I then started cutting. Also I'm not telling you who I like." He explained when a shaky voice.

"Oh, ok. Well, then, why would you push me out. I could have helped you?" I asked.

"I don't know. I developed depression and anxiety. I guess I thought you wouldn't understand." He told me. Almost crying.

I gave him another hug to try to calm him down again.

"I'm sorry I should have been there for you. And very time you pushed me out, I should not have let you." I said still hugging him.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldnt have cut myself. I definitely shouldnt have shut you out." He said.

No One's Pov

Shayne and Damien just stood there hugging. Both realizing that they messed up.

"Don't Shut Me Out" A Damien Haas and Shanye Topp Fanfiction (Complete) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें