Chapter 4

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'Sarah, run to your room and put your stuff in the closet. I'll do the same.' I mind-linked her and then we ran.
'Do you want to tell me why we aren't asking them on the date?' Well, here's the questions.
'We didn't buy them the gift so we'll have to wait until we get it but they don't need to know we've been getting ready for a date that may or may not happen.'
When I got to my room I closed and locked my door and went inside my closet. I hung my dress up and put my shoes on the shelf and my makeup in the bathroom. When I left my room I saw Jack trying to get inside Sarah's room but Parker wasn't there.
"Why did you run?" I screamed so loud, Parker scared the crap out of me.
"Don't do that, you do realize that there is a thing called shock, right?" Oh my goddess my heart was pounding so fast I didn't know if it would ever stop. But, of course, he had that smirk of mischief on his face because he is a lunatic that likes to scare people.
"Well sweet cheeks, I just wanted to surprise you." and what scared me with him saying that is he put emphasis on surprise like he's going to do something else.
"We had a surprise for you and Jack but forgot it so you'll just have to wait and see." This made his smirk disappear, but mine appear so with him stuck I got out of his hold and walked down the hallway back to my office.
"Eli! I need help."
"With what?"
"All the stuff on the top rack in my closet fell."
"I'll help you." I heard Jack say and then I heard a loud smack.
"Oww! what was that for?"
"I don't want you in my room yet or I would have asked you for help."
"I'm coming Sarah and don't go smacking your mate." As I said this there was a silence that passed and then both of us started laughing.
"Well it's too late for that now isn't it?" This made me laugh even more so now both of us were rolling around on the floor laughing so hard. The guys were just staring at us like we were idiots but I didn't care and I'm not sure that Sarah cared either.
"Come on Jack lets help the laughing hyenas up." I felt little tingles on my arm and new that Parker had picked me up.
"Sarah. We need to stop laughing or we are going to be hurting." This didn't help ANY because we both started laughing even harder.
I immediately stopped laughing when I felt lips on top of mine and I responded quickly so that he wouldn't be waiting. When we pulled away I noticed that Jack had done the same thing to Sarah.
"That's definitely one way to do it."
"Come on Sarah lets get your closet cleaned up and then we can watch Netflix if you want." The last part was directed at the guys and they nodded their head yes.
—————-watching Netflix—————— 

 "Ok so, were watching a horror movie." Parker said.
"Yes, that sounds like a good idea." This came from Jack. I looked at Sarah and smiled.
'I know we aren't going to be scared but let's make them seem like we are so they have to hold us.' I said this through mind-link so they didn't hear.
"Ok....but you have to hold me." I said in a reluctance type of voice.
"You'll have to hold me too, Jack." Sarah said. They looked at each other and then back at us.
"Ok." They said simultaneously.
———halfway through the movie———
I'm so tired but I'm trying to stay awake longer so I don't ruin their fun.
—————-about 5 mins later—————-
I can't do it.
"Guys. I'm tired." Parker looked at me like I was crazy.
"How? It's not even 9 o'clock yet."
"I know but I'm really tired." I said kinda whiny. In case you didn't already know I get really, really whiny when I'm tired.
"Alright, I'll come with you."
"Yeah, it's time for me to go to bed too." Sarah said. Jack groaned I guess he wasn't ready for bed either.
"Goodnight Sarah. Goodnight Jack." I said.
"Goodnight Jack. Goodnight Sarah." This time it came from Parker. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiles back and then Jack and Sarah said "goodnight". Parker pecked my lips then we went up to bed.
"Eli. Are you okay with me sleeping in my boxers? I don't have any gym shorts."
"Yeah, it's fine." I said and then went into my bathroom to get ready for bed. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and put my hair in a braid. I walked back inside my room and into my closet. I closed my closet door and changed into my pajamas. I walked back inside my room and saw that Parker was already in my bed. I walked around my bed and to the other side and crawled in.
"You look hot in those pajamas." I'm glad it was dark in my room because I blushed a dark red.
"Anytime. I usually wake up in the middle of the night, so if you wake up and I'm not here I'm probably just running the borders or something like that."
"Ok." He kisses me and said "goodnight"
"Goodnight Parker."

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