Chapter 9

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I went to my room and got dressed in an outfit that would cover my scent. I have to find her and tell her to come back.
'Don't come after me. I know you're going to try to find me and tell me to come home but I'm not. I just need to escape for a while. I will come back when I'm ready. Tell Jack I left and not to look for me. Don't let anybody come after me or I will kill them without hesitation.' Sarah was sad and she's not acting herself right now. She wouldn't kill anybody trying to help her. Would she?
'You wouldn't do that. You love he pack too much. Even accidentally you wouldn't hurt the pack or your mate.'
'Oh, but Elizabeth, I would. This is the last warning I will give you. Anybody that try's to find me will die. Male or female. Adult or teen. They die.'
'Sarah. You can be killed for killing someone of your own pack.'
'I don't care anymore.' she cut the link. She cut the link!
'I will find you. I'm stronger than you are. You can't kill me.' she may not have heard me but I still sent it.
I left my room to my office. I did tomorrows work knowing I would be gone for a while.
————after the work was done————
I walked into the kitchen to pack a bag of food when Parker and Jack came in.
"What are you doing?" Parker asked kinda cautiously.
"I'm doing what your beta should've done. I'm going after Sarah. I'm gonna need you to run the pack while I'm gone."
"Nope. I can't let you do that."
"Well. Then we have a problem, don't we? I'm leaving and there's nothing you can do to stop me. You may be older, but I've been running this pack alongside my dad for years. I know what I'm doing in a fight. Do you?" He stood there in shock that I would challenge him like that. He growled and got into a fight stance. I didn't want to hurt him so I used the part of me that would make him submit. I walked up to him-about 3 feet away- and I growled so loud I'm sure our neighboring packs heard me. He still tried to stay up but nobody can disobey a wolf as powerful as mine.
"I will go. I will find her." The last part was directed at Jack "I will bring her home." Then I grabbed my food, put it on my back and shifted, not caring about the clothes I had just shredded.

(Sarah's POV)
———————a week later———————
She's found me. Many times. The only thing I can do is run. She's faster that I am, but I've found a cave. I hope it will cover my scent. I'm tired of running. The effect of the mate-bond is messing with my emotions. At this point I just want to go home. I'm so tired and I know that Elizabeth is.
"Sarah, I know you're in here." Dang. I was hoping I could rest longer.
"Don't worry. I'm tired of running."
"Good we need to get back. I know the boys are worried sick about us."
"Yeah. I'm just not ready to accept that he has a pup that isn't mine." I was devastated about it actually I love him and he has a pup that I didn't give birth to.
"I know that it's gotta be tough but I know that he loves you. I also know that he will do anything to make it right. I promise that he didn't want you to find out like that."
"I'm sure he didn't but it was just an in the moment type of deal, ya know? I didn't really want to leave like that. All I want now, and Shannon, is to go back and be with him." When she heard my words she smiled. I honestly surprised myself with those words. I meant every word, but it surprised me.
"Thank you Eli. I love you."
"I love you too, Sarah."
We was about to leave the cave when rogues entered. They didn't look like normal rogues, they were bigger. They didn't smell like normal rogues either.
"Shift! What do you want from us?" Elizabeth said in her alpha voice.
"Well there Alpha Elizabeth we don't need to rally you up now do we? I just want to talk. About you mother and father's death. Or about your mate. Or no." He looked at me and said "how about your mate's pup?" I growled as well but before we could shift or do anything a light appeared. It was bright, really bright. It was white, but it wasn't blinding. When the light disappeared a beautiful woman took its place.
"Dear children. Don't fight. You are equals just being the same species. Don't fight." Her voice was so calm but held power. She wore a long with its dress that would have touched the ground if she wasn't hovering over it. Before I could ask Elizabeth had voiced my thoughts.
(Elizabeth's POV)
"Who are you?" I asked. The lady looked at me and smiled.
"You must be Elizabeth."
"Yes. That's me but it doesn't answer my question. Who are you?" I said a little more demanding.
"Elizabeth, maybe you shouldn't pester her. I'm sure she will tell us when she sees fit." Sarah sounded scared which wasn't something I was used to hearing from her. This time the lady in the long white dress answered my question.

"I'm the moon goddess and I'm hear to tell you about what you mean to the werewolf population."

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