Chapter 19

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It would easily be the man...

I thought that statement over in my head. Could I really choose one over the other? I mean, I was made for them both. How am I supposed to choose one over the other? Just in time I here Parker come around the corner into the front yard. He looks mad and starts to make his way to Alcatraz.

"Did you do this? I'll kill you!" his voice rang through the woods around us and I just looked at him with a very unamused look on my face.

"Oh please, Parker the only thing you are capable of is cheating on your mate." I spat at him. He looked guilty, but soon his face went back to the angry face that it was before.

"You have a mate? How can you have two at once? I was told it was near to impossible to have a 2nd chance mate at all and now you have two at once." I thought over his words. I knew that I was supposed to be the top wolf, the wolf to save all wolves, but I didn't think anything else about me would be different.

In all honesty, I just want to be a normal person, for one day even. I just need a break. Life is getting so tough. My best friend just got murdered. I have two mates.  I still don't know what I'm going to do yet. I know me and Parker are on the outs, but he is still my mate, we still have a mate-bond. For me to reject him as my mate it would hurt us terribly, possibly kill him. The only reason it wouldn't kill me is that I was an alpha even before meeting him so I am physically stronger than the average she-wolf.

"Alright. Look, I don't know what I am going to do yet. I will give you both one month each to prove who is most worthy of my time. If I see that you shouldn't be in my life than you will be rejected an- oh who cares you know how it works. I'm tired of trying to be so proper all the time. Sometimes I wonder how all the other alphas keep up the act. I hate it. Seriously though, you each have one month to prove yourself." Parker makes a pfft noise and waves his hand walking away.

"I don't need you to live. In fact, in that month of me not being here and you being with him, you'll be begging me to come back, but when you do... I won't because you are NOT worth MY time. Do I make myself clear? Don't call me, don't text me, don't even think about me." he keeps rambling on about how important he really is and I just look to Alcatraz and start laughing. Soon Alcatraz joining in. Parker turns back around fuming. "What is so funny, huh? The only thing funny I see is some loser that thinks he is going to steal my mate from me."

I'm taken aback by his words and then I put my hands up, "Uhm no. You stopped being my mate when you treated me like I was an on and off type of deal.  Sorry to break it to you honey, but I'm not. You are either with me or not with me. You don't get two at once." He points a finger at me and opens his mouth to speak when I cut him off. "This is a totally different situation. You both are supposed to be my mate. That girl-" I spat at him, "She is nothing to you other than a go too when I won't do anything with you." Okay maybe that was a little harsh, but who cares. He deserves every bit of it.

He was about to speak again and I just turned and walked away.


Okay, so now it is two weeks into 'the battle of the mates' and the only one really trying is Alcatraz. He's been so sweet. For the first week of it, I always woke up to find him leaning on my door frame holding breakfast and roses or some other type of flowers. Then, we got to the second week and he stopped showing up at my door frame. I expected to wake up with the same thing as last week, but this time, I found a note on the fridge and it said 'every day I spend with you becomes the new best day of my life.' I smiled at the cheesiness of it and fixed my breakfast and went for a run. The next days of the week were the same routine. I wake up, go downstairs and find a note on the fridge from Alcatraz. They were all different, even though they were still cheesy.

I started thinking about Parker. I haven't seen him, like... at all for the past two weeks. I start to think to myself 'well if he wants me to reject him, he sure is doing a nice job of it.' Just as I start to come out of my thoughts I feel warms arms start to wrap around me from behind. I smile and turn around to see a person I wasn't expecting. Tears start to form in my eyes and I fall to the ground. "How?" I barely get out that single word out and now she's crying along with me, telling me it's going to be okay now.


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