Chapter 13

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So it's been about a month since the fight and the vampires and mermaids still have not attacked yet. I would be worried, but I have my mate, best friend, and family. I also have a little secret I've been keeping from Parker. I'm pregnant. I've known for about a week. I'm trying to keep it a secret until tonight. Being that I'm a royal alpha the pregnancy will only last about 5 months.
"Elizabeth, I have something to tell you." I wonder what Sarah has to tell me. *wink wink* I already know.
"Okay, I'm in my room."
"I'm pregnant." Ha, told you I already knew.
"That's great, so am I."
"How far along are you?"
"1 month. What about you?"
"1 month." we squealed "Have you told Jack yet?"
"No. Have you told Parker yet?"
"No, I was waiting until tonight, but I think we should tell them when they get home."
"Okay. I'm ready when you are."
————when the guys get home————

"Elizabeth, where are you at?" Finally. The guys are home.
"I'm in the bedroom and so is Sarah so tell Jack to come with you." when he entered the room he ran to me and engulfed me in a hug. I giggled and then kissed all over his face and then on his lips. When we pulled away I looked at Sarah and she seemed reluctant to tell Jack.
"We have news for you two." I looked at Sarah and said, "on three" I looked back at Parker, "One, two, three, we're pregnant." a silence settled that honestly terrified me.
"What?!" They both shouted at the same time. I could tell they were happy, but they were worried about something. Probably about the war coming soon. I would still fight though. I had too. After everything got quiet again they started laughing. Okay, now I'm really confused.
"What's so funny?"
"We already knew. Did you really think you could hide your scent from us? Just to be honest, I didn't notice until Jack told me and he didn't notice until I told him."
"Well...that ruined my surprise." and I walked away to our room crying. My hormones were going everywhere and I just wanted to surprise him and he ruined it. I guess he will be sleeping on the couch for a while.
It's been a few days and I still haven't talked to him. I'm draining my body of energy because I won't talk to him, but he hasn't apologized.I've decided that I would talk to him today, to work this out. I don't know where he is, but I'm sure I'll find him sooner or later.
When I found him he was in his office, making out with another girl. My eyes filled with tears, but I was far from sad. No, I was furious. I walked up to right behind the girl and yanked her away from him. Here's where the beating starts. I might be pregnant, but I am an alpha and no normal female wolf could take me. "If I ever find you near him again I will tear your throat out." I didn't know what happened next because I saw red and my wolf jumped out the window and took off running.
(Parker's POV)

I stood awestruck at how much she still cares when I made her so mad. I turned to the girl and growled 'get out'. She coughed at me and flipped her hair, turned and walked out. I jumped out the same window Elizabeth went out. It took me a long time to find her, but when I did she was passed out, probably from exhaustion. I shifted back to my human form not caring to put clothes on and ran to her. I picked her up bridal style and started my walk back to the house when she woke up. "What do you think you are doing? Who gave you permission to touch me with your cheating hands?" I rolled my eyes, but while I was distracted she jumped out of my arms and ran to the house stark naked. "Eli! Wait, you are still naked!" She stopped, turned around with tears in her eyes and yelled, "Only my friends can call me Eli. You are merely my mate, NOT my friend." I stopped running after her and fury built up, "No. You ignored me for, I don't know how many days. I refuse to let you do that to me again. Those days were torture." She had a sadistic look on her face that scared me. "Then I guess you know how I felt when I walked into your office to see you making out with another girl. I guess this time when I don't talk to you you'll think before you go get some random girl in the pack to make out with." With this, she made her way to the pack house and I didn't move from my spot. I knew what she was saying was true, but they hurt so much to hear her say.
I kneeled down in my spot and cried.
(Sarah's POV)

I heard yelling that sounded like Eli. I walked over to my window to see a naked Eli and Parker yelling back and forth to one another. "Then I guess you know how I felt when I walked into your office to see you making out with another girl. I guess this time when I don't talk to you you'll think before you go get some random girl in the pack to make out with." My mouth dropped when I heard Eli say this. I saw her start her walk back to the house and shortly after she ran to my room crying. "Sarah, it hurts so much. I love him so much."

"I don't know what to do." and she dropping sobbing harder than I've ever seen before.

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