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Eli's POV
Parker and Alcatraz were fighting, but I did NOT want my babies near the fight so we went back to the house. I set them in their beds and was about to rush back out to helps Parker when everything went black.
When I woke up I was in a hospital bed with and unfamiliar man sitting next to me, holding my hand, and sleeping. I'm guessing my movement woke him up because he jerked his head up and was staring at me. He looked so familiar to me now, but I have no idea why.
"Hold on babe. I'm gonna go call the nurse." He says as he gets up and exits the room. I'm now extremely confused because all I know is this man LOOKS familiar, but he called me babe? I know i was asleep, but that doesn't explain how long or why. It also doesn't explain why I have no idea who that man is.
When he comes back he's with several nurses and a doctor.
As they are checking the monitor I notice that man is staring at me.
"Mrs. Frost? Do you know where you are?" The doctor asked. I know where I am, but who is Mrs. Frost?
"Yeah, I'm in a hospital. That much is clear, but who is Mrs. Frost?" I asked confusion lacing my voice, "Also, why am I in the hospital?" I keep asking questions and none of them are getting answered. The doctor just pulls out the IV that was in my arm. I watch as bleeds. I don't understand. I thought I was a werewolf. I should've healed by now.
I was a werewolf in my dream. So that only means one thing. My dream wasn't real. It was all a dream. Everything that happened to me in my dream was fake. I feel tears start to drip down my face, but just wipe them away. No one asked questions they just talked amongst each other while I thought over everything that went down in my dream. I was the alpha of my pack. My best friend was my beta. I had two mates, but one of them used dark magic to trick me. The other mate was the alpha of another pack that was joined into mine. My best friend found her mate from my mates pack. He almost killed her, I did kill him. We were both pregnant. I had triplets and she had one of her own.
My life was coming together and i was starting to love it. Now I'm just a puny human. I can't become a wolf anytime I want to. I can't talk to others through a mind-link. I'm a different person now.

2 weeks later

I've come to know that the man from the hospital is my husband. Almost everything from my dream was real. My husbands name is Parker Frost. My best friends name is Sarah. We both had kids around the same time. I didn't kill Sarah's husband. He also didn't almost kill Sarah. Alcatraz was real, but he was just a man that tried to come between mine and Parker's marriage. Parker never cheated on me. I've also realized why I married Parker. He's funny, he's kind, and he has a heart of gold. Just a plus he's majorly good looking. He told me that when I gave birth to the triplets, I passed out and then flat lined.
He said I died twenty times on the operating table, but obviously they brought me back each time. The doctors told him that I was lucky to be alive.
I guess I'm happy that my dream turned out to be fake because I hated when Parker kept cheating on me. I also hated all the fighting that I was always doing. Neither of those were real. I no longer have to worry about it. I can live the normal life I always wanted. I can be happy with my husband, with my children, with my friends, and with the people I call family.
I missed my kids' first birthday, but I'll never miss anything else.

5 years later

My kids are now in 1st grade. Time has flown since I woke up from my coma. I can still say I am proud of my family. Me and Parker are still married, as are Sarah and Jack. Sarah had another kid, but me and Parker decided three was enough for us.
We travel from time to time, but only during the summer because all three kids are athletes. Also another thing I learned was that I used to be a gymnast a few years before I had my kids so I decided to start back at that.
I own a gym for young ladies to come and learn gymnastics.
So that just about sums up my life. A simple woman with the family of her dreams. I couldn't ask for a better life. I wouldn't trade it for the world. My dream I had all those years ago was nice, but it wasn't real. This is and it's so much better.
All I have to say about my experience, is that you should never take life for granted. Never think that tomorrow is guaranteed. I almost didn't have a tomorrow. I'm very glad I did. I've been able to watch my kids grow. That is all I wanted in life before and now I have that so my lesson to you.

Live for the present don't stress over the past, don't worry about what the future will bring. Be happy for what happens now and you'll ever miss a beat in your life.

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