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I walked to my room to pack a bag. There was still one person I know would be happy to see me. An old friend from when I was really little, but also an alpha a few states away. Our parents were friends, but they weren't very close. We went and visited the family every few years. I had already called and informed him so now all I had to do was pack and I would be on my way. His name was Alpha Alcatraz. I know, intimidating, am I right?

Instead of taking my car I decided to run, but before I left I went to Sarah's room, to try and work this out before its too. When I was walking down the hall a fuming Jack walked out of her room. I might be wrong, but I think I saw tears running down his face, but as soon as he saw me he furiously wiped them away and as if it was possible his face became even redder.

"Because of you..." he sucked in a deep breath and continued, "because of you, I can't see my girlfriend anymore. You ruined EVERYTHING! Do you even see what you di-" I had enough of him yelling at his queen.

"You may not like me, but I am your queen and you will treat me with respect or you will be cast out to the rogues, do not test my patience." I said threateningly. He didn't back down, but he stared at me with the biggest glare in my life, but that didn't faze me at all. I walked past him with a grin on my face. What I saw when I entered the room wiped the grin off of my face.

I started to cry, loudly, might I add. I saw the twisted and distorted figure of my best friend. She was dead. How did this happen? That's when it registered that Jack had done it. I stood off the floor and ran out of the room after Jack. He had not made it out of the house when I caught him. I was so angry that I no longer had control of my body. My wolf and phoenix took over my body and started to rip him apart. Limb from limb. Blood and guts going everywhere. This was a gory scene, but all I cared was that my best friend was dead and it was this man, sorry no, not a man, this piece of filth that had done it to her.

Before I could kill him completely I was ripped off of him. By none other than the friend from long ago. 'Dang, he has gotten a lot stronger than the last time.' I said to my wolf. She stayed quiet still furious about what had happened to our best friend. "Elizabeth! This is no time to tear other people apart. Take a chill pill." He said it almost amusingly, but I growled at him none the less and tried to claw my way back to the murderer in front of me. I hadn't shifted into my wolf form so I could still talk, "Let go of me, Alcatraz. He killed my best friend, he deserves to die. No. I have a better idea. He will be chained up and tortured. Also, what are you doing here? I told you I would be on my way in a few."

The frown on his face did not change from the time I called Jack out on killing my best friend the whole time. "He killed Sarah?" he said in a malicious way, but he continued, "You killed her?" Jack looked even more scared for his life than he was before. Alcatraz released his hold on me and lept at Jack, this time with me holding him back. I sent a mental thank you to my pheonix for helping me to hold this chunk of muscle back.

"Alcatraz, if you jump on him now you'll just kill him. I want to do other things with him. You can't kill him yet." This didn't seem to help any with his height and strength, he was beginning to become too much to handle even for me. I shook my head calmly thinking 'what am I going to do with you?'. That's when I felt it. 

Something was pulling me to Alcatraz. What could it possibly be? "Alcatraz, why am I being pulled towards you?"  He held up his hands in confusion because the same thing was happening to him. It was almost as if he was my mate. Ha, Ha. That's funny because my mate is a worthless piece of crap, so it couldn't be Alcatraz. Could it?

"I think this is the mate bond pulling us together. I just don't understand why though. My mate died a few years back. I was told that the moon goddess only assigned us one mate, one person that would always be fit for us. That there would never be another, but there is clearly something happening." Alcatraz said. That confused me more because my mate was not dead. Far from it actually.

"How though? My mate isn't dead. I spoke to the moon goddess before the wars. She didn't say anything about me possibly having two mates at the same time." That's when I realized this was a test. To see if I would choose a man I've known all my life, or the man that I've known for about a year and almost had children with. Although it wasn't even a question to which I would choose.

It would easily be the man...

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