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{A/N} Thank you so much guys for reading my fanficiton! :')
You make me happy <3
I hope you enjoy it so far ! Love you all! ;* <3
Don't forget to comment and vote ;) <3

"Are you really that stupid?" He said with a bit anger in his voice. "What ? Why? I just wanted to jump. Nothing more" i answered and looked back down. "You just wanted to jump?" Eric asked with both of his eyebrowes raised up. "Are you crazy?!?" He asked again and put me back to the ground. But he still held my wrist tightly. "I...I'm sorry" i apologized and swallowed hard. He shook his head and held my wirst tightly. "Why did you want to jump?" He asked and for a second it seemed like he'd really care. I sighed and looked at him. Tears were filling my eyes but I tried to hold them back.

"No one likes me" I shrugged and wiped my tears away. "That's not true" he said and I looked a bit confused at him. But then I nodded my head. "It's true. Noe one likes me" I explained while a tear ran down my cheek. All of a sudden he wiped my tears away and hug me. "That's not true. I like you" he whispers in my ear and smiled a bit at me. "I really do,okay? So please....don't be stupid again and try to kill yourself..." Eric said and I couldn't believe my ears.

I nodded my head and smiled back at him. "Okay...I'm sorry..." I said and looked at the ground. Eric grabbed my chin and put it back up. "Hey it's okay.." He said and smiled again. Then he looked at his watch. "It's really late...you should go to sleep" he said and I nodded. "Yeah but I-" I started to talk but Eric interrupted me. "You can sleep at my place" he said and I was surprised. "Wow....I....don't know if I should do this...I mean...." I said but then I swallowed hard. "Thank you" I finally said and he nodded his head. "No problem. Let's go" he said and started to walk. I just followed him and said nothing. As we reached his room we went into it and he looked at me. "You can have my bed. I'm going to sleep on the floor" eric said but I shook my head.

"You're not going to sleep on the floo" i said but he nodded his head again. "I'm going to sleep on the floor" he said. "No you're not" I answered and looked to the bed. "The bed is big enough for 2 persons" I suddenly said and looked at Eric. *Shit. I hope he doesn't hate me now* I thought

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