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When I felt his lips on mine I woke up. *What?...It was only a dream?...NO! That can't be true!!* I thought and looked around. But I had to admit that it was a dream. "Damn..." I mumbled. "What's wrong?" Uriah asked me. "Nothing..." I sighed and stood up. "Everything's fine" I added quickly and walked away to excercise a bit. Suddenly I heard footsteps. I turned around and Eric stood behind me. "What are you doing here,Initiate?" He asked in a deep and strict voice.
"I'm here for training. I need to get stronger" I answered. "And what are you doing here?" I asked and looked at him with my eyebrowes raised. "Mind your own buisness" Eric answered a bit annoyed and I sight.
"By the way you're doing it wrong" he said and kicked my foot in the right position. "Thanks.." I mumbled

After a while the training began. Uriah came to me and looked at me. "Wanna tell me now what's wrong?"
I shook my head and looked at Eric. "No...."
"Wait...Do you have a crush on..HIM?!?" He asked and pointed at Eric.
"Shut your mouth!" I hissed at him and he started to giggle. "Oh come on. How can you have a crush on eric? He's ugly!" Uriah said and started to laugh.
"Uriah! Stop it now!" I said a bit angry. "Stop talking now" A voice said and I turned around. Eric stood behind me again and I blushed. *fuck* I thought and nodded my head then. "Sorry..." I said silently and Uriah started to giggle again.
"Today we're going to throw knives again!" Eric said loud. *not again...* I thought and throw the first knive.
But it clattered to the floor again....

In The End [A Divergent Fanfic-Eric]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora