Devil's Trapped

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"Dean?" Sam said joyfully, and then again, this time fearfully. He had seen Dean's back eyes. Dean wished he knew how to turn those stupid things off.

Suddenly, Dean felt handcuffs on his wrists, and heard Sam say, " Get the hell out of my brother you son of a bitch."

"It's me Sammy. Nobody's possessing me." Dean said.

"Yeah right." Sam said,and with that, he grabbed Dean. He dragged him to the room where they had kept Crowley for so long, and pushed him into the devil's trap taking up nearly half the floor.

Dean tried to walk out, but was stopped as if by and invisible wall. He sighed and said " Now I understand what all the demons we hunted felt like when we trapped them, Sam. This seriously sucks, you know that?"

Sam began the exorcism that they'd been using for years. "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus..." He finished, but all that Dean felt was slightly nauseous. He wasn't sent back to Hell, which was a big plus.

Sam looked confused, and at a loss for what to do next, since the exorcism hadn't worked. He closed his eyes and began to pray.

"Cas? It's Sam. I need your help. There's something wrong with Dean."

An instant later, Cas appeared next to Sam.

"What is it, Sam?" Cas said. Then he looked over at Dean,crouching in the far corner of the devil's trap, a primitive demonic instinct telling him to stay away from the angel in the trench coat who had always been his friend.

"Stay away from me." Dean said, fearful Cas would smite him like he'd seem him smite dozens of demons before.

"I won't hurt you, Dean, but what has happened to you? Why are you a demon?" asked Cas.

"I just woke up like this. I don't feel all that demonic, I just feel kinda... unattached. Like my feeling have been muted a little. Now could you please let me out?" Dean said, tired of being trapped already.

"No!" Sam and Cas answered simultaneously, and then Sam added, " So he really is a demon now, Cas? What are we going to do about that? How do we fix him?"

"I don't know, Sam. I will see if there is any information in Heaven of this. While I am gone, do not let him out. He is dangerous." And with that, Castiel disappeared.

Demon DeanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz