A Family Reunion

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"I just can't take it anymore, Sammy. I just can't fight who I really am, now. You'll just have to find a way to save Cas on your own. I'm sure there are plenty of people you've failed over the years. Get Cas's Grace using one of them. Just let me out of these God damn handcuffs, and I'll be on my merry way, far away from here."

Sam could tell Demon Dean (that's what he called the demonic side of his brother) was winning. He could also tell how hard Dean was trying to fight it, but he was obviously losing ground. ever since he had spoken to Jo, he had been acting more and more demonic. Sam had to figure out how to get through to Dean. Suddenly, Sam knew exactly what to do, to remind his big brother about being human.

"I'm sorry, Dean, but we just can't do that." Sam then turned to Meg, who had been oddly silent throughout the entire trip. "Meg, could you keep hold of my brother a sec? I need Cas's help with something."

Meg held out her hand for the chains holding Dean. Sam gave them to her, and she smiled. Dean twisted his neck, whispering something Sam couldn't hear into Meg's ear. On any other day, Sam would have been worried about what Dean had said, but right now, he was too focused on finding Cas's Grace to give it much thought.

If only he had...


Sam was confused. It just didn't add up. Both Jess and Jo's deaths had been the cause of guilt and constant nightmare for Dean and him. Then Sam realized.

We've been going about this all wrong, Sam thought to himself. While they had failed Jess and Jo, Sam and Dean felt individually guilty about one or the other. Sam felt it was his fault Jess dies, Dean thought the same about Jo, but Dean wasn't guilty of Jess's death. Sam didn't feel responsible for Jo's. All they had to do to find the Grace was figure out who they both felt they had failed, and presto, Cas was a full angel again.

Now who had he and his brother failed?


"Well, Cas, time for a little family reunion. Can you find Mary Winchester?"

"Of course, Sam, but why her? You two were only children when she died" Cas seemed utterly baffled by human emotions, like usual. "How could you have failed your mother?"

Sam took a deep breath, about to say something he had never said before, outside of his own mind. "I'm not sure why Dean feels like Mom's death is his fault, but she was only in that nursery because of me. If she hadn't come to check on me, she would still be alive."

Cas simply narrowed his eyes, and the scenery around them disappeared. They were now in Mary Winchesters's Heaven. She was sitting with a man, a man Sam did not recognize at first. With a start, Sam realized it was him father. John looked happy, sitting on a park bench on a sunny day, with the love of his life. He looked happy, that is, until he caught sight of his sons, one if whom was wrapped in chains, and now trying with renewed effort to escape, if only to get away from the suspicious gaze of the father he had tried so hard to please for 27 years.

"Sam. Dean." John said.

"Hey, Dad. Didn't expect to see you here."

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