The One You Failed Most

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"The screams were almost most than Cas could take. That, and the laughter. Pure joy, joy at the torture she was inflicting, at the begs for mercy, and then at the complete, and utter, silence. Meg came out of the cell, a smile on her face

"He's ready." she said. Meg took the chain from Sam that kept Dean from wrecking havoc. Cas thought that it proved how far that Sam had come over the years that he trusted the demon who once tried to kill him to keep his brother from doing the same. Sam and Cas walked into Metatron's cell, and almost did not recognize the once mighty angel they saw before him.

He was covered head to toe with cuts, bruises, and had six broken fingers. He appeared to be dying, but Meg knew her trade all too well. She had trained under Alistair himself, spending years in Hell, perfecting her torture methods.

Cas was uncomfortable seeing this side of Meg, of what she was capable of. He had almost always known her a the slightly good version of Meg, the one who called him her unicorn, bit this bloody, chaotic Meg, the one who laughed as she cut into someone, as she heard their screams.

Cas shook his head, clearing all thoughts other than what he had to do from it. He began the integration.

"How do we reopen the Gates, Metatron?" he asked.

Metatron spit blood in Cas's face in reply, but then Meg appeared behind him, bringing Dean with her.

"Hey Metadouche, answer the question, or I'll just let Dean here have a go at you. If you thought I was bad, he's way worse." Meg said. Metatron cowered in fear at the idea of being at the mercy of Dean Winchester, the very man he had killed.

"Alright, alright, I'll talk, but keep HIM away from me." Metatron jerked his head in Dean's direction. "I will tell you what you want to know."

Cas asked him, once again, "How do we reopen the Gates?"

Metatron only hesitated for a moment before answering, "You were right, Castiel. The key to undoing the lock is your Grace. All that you need is to have your Grace returned to you, and the Gates will be reopened."

Sam spoke for the first time during the interrogation. "Alright, I'll bite. Where is Cas's Grace?"

"I do no know. It was hidden by one of my soldiers, but he was killed by you, Sam Winchester. All that I know is that it is hidden here, in Heaven, and that the only person who knows it's location is the one you failed most." The last part was directed towards Sam and Dean.

The one they failed most. They had failed so many over the years, held the guilt for so many deaths. Whose could if be?

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