Angel Wings

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Dean just couldn't take it anymore. The sideways looks, the hushed voices, all directed at him. Well, Meg too, but mainly him. At least Meg was just a normal demon. Dean though, he was the Righteous Man. He was the vessel of Michael, the chosen, snatched from Hell itself. Oh how the mighty had fallen.

Dean felt unclean, unclean like never before. This was worse than his father's death, worse than watching Sammy die. It was even more terrible than that day that he first picked up a knife in Hell, the day he made the Apocalypse possible.

Dean could see all the angels' true forms. It was Billie anything he had ever seen, and he could tell Meg saw it too. On Earth, all you could see was the number glow that signified an Angel 's presence in a vessel, but in Heaven, there was no need of vessels. Only Sam saw them as in human form, for his mind was incapable of processing what he saw without his eyes burning out, so his mind made what he saw into something he could comprehend.

How could one describe an angel's true form? They are beings of pure light, with a radiance of a thousand Suns. Their wings are the most beautiful thing God ever created, unique to every angel, and they reflect the angel's innermost self.

Castiel's wings were a hypnotic combination of grays, from a color pale as ash, to nearly as dark as Dean's soul. His wings reflected that not everything is as black and white as we wish it was. There is always something in between, something gray. Nobody has ever been completely good, nor will anybody ever be completely bad. Not even in a world of angels and demons. The light will one day plunge into darkness, the dark will someday see the light. That is the natural order.

Sam's voice shook Dean out of his thoughts, bringing him back to the matter at hand. He was saying, "So you got us into Heaven, Cas, but now what?"

Cas seemed to be lost in his thoughts as well, and when he finally did answer, he was unfocused. "We will need to thoroughly question Metatron, to find out how to reopen the Heaven's Gates, and retrieve my Grace as well. Hopefully, he will have a way to cure Dean as well. If Metatron does not know how to cure Dean, I am afraid no one will." With that happy thought, The motley group had reached Metatron's cell.

"I see you've brought the famous Dean Winchester with you, brother dear. Don't those pets of yours ever simply stay dead?" the former Scribe of God asked. "Come to beat some answers out of me, Castiel?"

Cas stepped forward menacingly, and said, "I haven't. But she has." stepping aside to reveal Meg, an angel blade one hand, a bottle of holy oil in the other. Cas opened the cell door, letting Meg in, and then quickly shut it.

"Shall we begin?"

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