A Voice From the Shadows

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Dean looked hard into the dark corner to try to discern who it was. Suddenly, he knew exactly who it was. It was none other than the demon who gave him the Mark himself. It was Cain.

"Well I guess I'll just leave you two to it." Crowley said, edging out of the room until he simply disappeared.

"Let's get started." Cain said to Dean.

"What's first?" Dean said, feeling strong, and ready for any challenge Cain could throw at him.

"Well, first let's start with something basic. Can you summon the black eyes on command?" Cain asked Dean.


Cain sighed. "This is gonna be harder than I thought. Do you know how to do anything demonic whatsoever?"

Dean hesitated and said, "Uh, not to offend y'all or anything, but I've spent my entire life hunting you guys. I didn't exactly study up on how to control demonic powers."

"All right, the easiest way to turn your black eyes on and off in the earliest stages of being a newborn demon is to remember something that made you feel human. Once all traces of humanity are gone though, you can change them much easier, but there's a slight trace of humanity left in you now." Cain explained.

Dean experimented by blinking his eyes from green to black to green again. He said, "Ok, I think I have that down. What else?"

Cain smiled at Dean's eagerness, and began to explain everything from teleporting to smoking out. He learned a few tricks that only a Knight of Hell could do, which was freaking awesome. He couldn't wait to try it out on a certain King he knew.


Sam and Cas were up to they're necks with demon lore at the Men of Letters Bunker. There were pages upon pages of notes of how to exorcise, or even kill, demons, but sadly, there was next to none about curing demons. The only way to definitely cure a demon was the one that involved injecting human blood into the demon's bloodstream. Sam had absolutely no idea how he could pull that off. He got the feeling that Dean wouldn't just sit there and let Sam turn him human, with all their feelings.

"How are we going to even get Dean here?" Sam asked Castiel, annoyed with the pointless research.

Cas sighed, and said, "Well, there is a summoning ritual that we could do to summon any demon."

"Seriously? Why didn't you tell me?"

"There are quite a few ingredients we would have to get to make the summoning work. Some you would have here, but others will be more difficult. The hardest thing is the feather of an Archangel. That would be impossible, since all the Archangels are either in Lucifer's cage, or dead."

"Well, then what are we going to do?" Sam asked, slightly exasperated that Cas brought it up if it's impossible.

Cas hesitated, and then finally said, "There is a possibility that Gabriel may have left a few of his few feathers here on Earth. I think I know where they could be. I'll go see if I can find them." Castiel disappeared with the rustle of angel wings that Sam knew so well.

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