Where Do We Start?

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"Well, we seem to have our work cut out for us." Sam said, not one to be idle. "Where do we start? I mean, we've failed so many people, and it could be any one of them. The oh thing we have to base it off of is that it's someone already dead."

Cas seemed to be at a bit of a loss where to begin as well. "I suppose we could start with someone you feel you have failed. Who comes to mind first, Sam?"

Sam knew the answer to that instantly. Jessica. She would be alive, would have a life, if he hadn't come along and gotten her killed. That was the best place to start.

"Jessica." was all Sam had to say before Cas had transported them to the Halloween party that Sam remembered all too well, even after ten long years. He saw himself, at age twenty-two. Was his hair really ever like that? It seemed so childish now. Suddenly, all thoughts of his hair disappeared. In fact, all thoughts of anything other than the girl standing in front of him, laughing and kissing Younger Sam.

It was her. Jessica. She looked happy, care free. She looked nothing like she did the last night he'd seen her.

The night she burned.

It was all his fault. He did that to her. He left her, left her without protection. He let her die.


Oh how sweet that voice was. That voice he dreamed of every night, calling out to him. His dreams did that voice so little justice. It was perfect. She was perfect.

"Oh Sammy, why are you here? You can't be here, not yet anyways." The anguish in his lovely Jessica's voice was heart wrenching.

Cas cleared his throat, knowing that there was only so much time before his Grace was completely burnt out, and then he would die. They needed to get this show on the road, this road to fixing Heaven, and curing Dean.

Sam glared slightly at Cas, but knew that he was right. He began to reassure Jess. "Its alright, I'm not dead quite yet, but we need to ask you s something important. We were told that the one we failed most would know where Castiel, this guy here," Sam said, gesturing to Cas, "where his Grace is hidden. Do you know what I'm talking about?"

Jess gave a sad smile, and said, "I'm sorry, but no, I don't have any idea what's going on."

"Alright, she knows nothing. Now we must leave." Cas said urgently.

Jess sighed, sorry to see Sam leave, but also relieved that he was not dead yet, like her. She kissed him, only pulling away because she knew he had a job to do.

"I will always love you, Sam. Always, and forever. I'm waiting up here for you."

Sam smiled, and Jess leaned in closer, her warm breath tickling his ear.

"It wasn't your fault. There was nothing you could do. I love you."

Sam didn't even get a chance to say it back, before she faded away, nothing more than a memory once more.

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