Stairway to Heaven

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"Are you sure this is such a good idea?" Sam asked. "I mean, bringing two demons into Heaven, that's never been done. Ever."

"I have faith that Meg has changed. As she once said to us, demons come in different "flavors". I believe there is some level of good in her." Cas answers.

Meg smiled. "That was beautiful, Clarence. You really know how to make a girl feel all tingly."

Castiel scrunched his eyes in confusion. "That was not my intent. And I still don't know who Clarence is."


Meanwhile, Dean was fighting those chains with all he had, but to no avail. They'd were simply too strong. He was cuffed hand and foot with the reinforced demon handcuffed, bound to the same chair he had trapped Crowley in all those months ago. The waiting was agony. Dean wanted to do something, wanted to be free. Dean wanted to kill.

Sam and Cas had taken the First Blade the minute they had him in chains, locking it in a demon proof box that they were constantly watching. There was no way Dean would be able to get to it, not without hurting anybody. That is, if he ever got out of the chains.

The sound feet roused Dean from his anger induced haze. That, and the murmur of arguing.

"No, Cas, we absolutely cannot bring Dean with us! He's dangerous to himself and everyone else. We just can't trust him." Dean heard Sammy say.

"But we cannot simply leave him here. He could escape." was Cas's reply.

Dean was hoping Cas would win the argument. He would have a better chance of escape if he wasn't trapped in the bunker.

"Fine, Cas! You win. We'll take him with us. Meg too, if that's what you really want.


"The doors to Heaven is at a playground?" Sam asked incredulously.

Cas sighed. "Yes, Sam, it is. I have explained this to you already. Must I explain it again?"

"Well, I won't be getting in the way of this little domestic, but I have to ask, what's got your panties in a twist, Feathers?" Meg asked, never knowing when to shut up, as usual.

Cas ignored her, beginning to draw enochian symbols in the sandbox, which would have been funny, had Sam not been holding back an angry Knight of Hell. Dean was trying like crazy to free himself, but the handcuffs held him tight. Thank God for that.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, but was actually only five minutes, the door to Heaven was open. They stepped through, or in Deans case, was pushed through. He fought the whole way, giving Sammy quite a bruise under his left eye.

Suddenly, they weren't at the playground anymore. They had arrived in Heaven, with two demons in tow.

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