ARC 1.11 Abduction

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Today, my baby is going to come out and welcomed by this world. Because of my ability to control my body and also because of the system scanning my body, we determined the day and exact time of me delivering. Around 6 pm, four hours from now I'm finally going to see my baby.

As preparation, I'm going to the hospital and prepare to give birth.

"System, are the pills ready? "

"Yes, host. "

"Then you can go now and don't disturb me for the time being. "

Going out of the house with the Nanny carrying the bags with the things I need for me and for the baby. There's still 4hours before my Delivery.

Ho! I'm scared but at the same time I'm also excited to see my baby. I have so much love to give to him and plans for the future. And I hope and wish I could be a good parent and have the capability to protect him or her.

Going to the car, I can't see the driver and I feel something is not right but before I could react someone covered my mouth and nose. Inhaling it blurred my vision and I blacked out.


"Sir, our people saw the nanny packing and the driver preparing the car. I think they are leaving the house and he already know about us. Sir, they saw Mr. Julian preparing himself to leave. What's your order Sir? "

No! You're not escaping me again Julian. If I have to tie you down and imprison you then I'll do it.

"Tell our people to get them before they leave the house. Knock Julian out so he couldn't think of escaping while delivering him to me safely. I don't want any harm getting to my wife and baby. "


"Sir, they've got him. "

"Good, tell them to take him in my Mansion in Surgao. I'll be there in 2 hours. "


I opened my eyes only to make it hurts by the light. Where am I?

System, where are you?

"You need me host"

What happened?

"huh? Host I'm sorry I didn't know what happened. You said not to disturb you so I go offline. "

What? How useless. Shit, I can't remember. I think someone drug me. Investigate where we are. By the way, how much time before I give birth?

"less than 5 minutes before you feel the pain. "

Go now and look around.

"yes host. "

I looked around. I'm in a room with locked windows and 2 doors. I guess one of it is the bathroom.

I still feel weak but I tried my best to get up and slowly walk to the door where I guess the exit, but before I could someone else open it first from the outside.

"What the fuck? You ?!!"


When I open the door to my room where my beloved is sleeping, I saw him standing near it.

"What the fuck? You?!! " he said in anger.

"Yes, it's me my love. Miss me? " I said smiling.

"Why did you abduct me? "

"I don't have a choice, you're trying to escape again. I can't let you leave me. "

"huh? Shit I don't have much time. Go away, I need to go. "

He tried to leave and push me away but I held his wrist instead.

"You're not going anywhere! " I said in anger. Did he really thinks he can escape me? "No! You're mine! Your place is where I am! "

"You're insane! Let me go! I really need to go to the hospi-ah! Aaah.. Hurts!.. "

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