What's wrong 'puppy'?

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After finally getting home from Aph's house I thought I would just sleep for the day, Aphmau and Katelyn like to get up at 3:00 am and talk, "UGH I'm so sleeepppyyy" I said falling on my bed face down " hey I thought you liked staying up late? " someone said from my door " who-" I said...Then I looked and saw who it's was "V-Vylad?..." I asked getting up and running to the door, "yup that's me!" He said,

I haven't seen Vylad in years...Melissa, Aaron and me used to play with the ro'meaves all the time, well I played with Vylad more, I new Garroth and Zane went to Phoenix drop high but Vylad went to some other school.

"What are you doing here Vylad?" I asked hugging him " weeeellll...  When you have to go to phoenix Drop high wouldn't you come see your childhood friend? " he said giving me that smile I new to well "wait... YOU mister I have to go to the MORE better school are coming to Phoenix drop high???!!!" I asked " Yup " he said " umm are you OK? " He asked, I was jumping up and down screaming " is everything ok?! " Aaron asked running to my room to we if I was Dieing or something "look who's here!" I said still jumping up and down my tail waging crazy "oh hey Vylad long time no see" Aaron said " guess what Aaron? " I said barely able to canton my HAPPINESS " what sis? " Aaron asked "Hes..coming.. To...our high school!" I said with a huge smile on my face " what really? " Aaron asked "Yup I'm starting tomorrow" Vylad said, "Hey you sould meet some of my friends Vylad!" I said as I went downstairs and put on my jacket " sure that would be great! " Vylad said.

~A little bit later when y/n and Vylad are in the park ~

Me and Vylad were sitting on a  park bench and we were waiting for Aph, Daniel, Dottie, Blaze and Rylan. "So who are these people that I'm gonna meet?" Vylad asked " well-" I said but then was interrupted" H-Hey y/n! " Daniel said as they walked to us " hey Daniel" I said "so who's this y/n" Aph asked "oh! Guy's this is Vylad, Vylad this is Aphmau, Daniel, Dottie, Blaze and Rylan!" I said " hi! " Aph said "what's up green bro?" Blaze said " hey there" Dottie said "sup?" Rylan said " H-Hi..." Daniel said "hi nice to meet you all!, I'm Vylad Ro'meava " Vylad said with a smile " wait ro'meave? " Aphmau asked "Yup why?" Vylad said as he raised his eyebrow " your Garroth's little brother aren't you? " Aphmau asked "yeah how did you know?" Vylad asked " o-oh no reason.. "

We all new Aphmau had a little crush on Garroth and Laurence, even though she won't admit it "so who's hungry?" I asked saving Aphmau " me! " almost all of them said, except Daniel.. " hey Daniel you ok? " I asked him "y-yeah I'm fine" he said looking down, "hmm, well I'll go get the food" I said walking to the taco stand (TACOS! XD) as I walked to the taco stand I saw gene and his gang and...Zane?! I really hope they don't see me... You know when I said I was teased and bullied...well they are the ones who bully me... 


I was walking to my 1st class but something or someone tripped me and I fell face forward and I heard people laughing "aww 'puppy' fell! " Gene said "z-zane?" I said, I thought Zane was a good guy.. I guess I was wrong.. They kicked me a few times then left...

//End of flashback\\

I just kept walking to the stand, it was around the corner so you couldn't see our group from the stand "hello miss how can I help you?" The worker asked " I need.. " hmm I know that werewolf's eat ALOT, I know at least I do, " I need 40 tacos please? " I said " ok coming right up miss" the worker said, I went and sat on the bench next to the stand, I just love how the people at this stand never ask why I get so many tacos, "hey I was told to help you" Vylad said sitting next to me "nice I might not be able to take all the tacos back" I said "well, well, well what do we have hey" Gene said walking over to us " a 'puppy' and it's owner! " Gene said and the others started to laugh, so did Zane... I used to think Zane was a good guy but his just a jerk "Hey don't talk to her like that!" Vylad said " and what are you gonna do brother? Tell mom? " Zane said trying to impress Gene "don't push it zane  you sould be happy I'm letting you near us"Gene said and turned to me"aww look 'puppies ' sad! " Gene said, I just kept looking down, they would be gone soon and leave me alone for now..Sasha then pulled me off the bench and on the ground "aww sad 'puppy'" Sasha said and Gene laughed "h-hey y/n what's t-taking so lon-" Daniel said as he was walking towards us "Y/n?!" He than ran over and helped me up " well 'puppy ' here fell" Zenix said with a laugh "come on guys let's go before 'puppies' friends come!" Gene said and they walked off laughing " y/n are you ok? " Vylad asked running over and hugging me and I swear I heard Daniel growl " y-yeah I'm fine.. I uh just have to get something..can you take the food to the others vylad?" I asked " yes I can" he said and went to do it, "Daniel are you ok? I thought I heard you growl?" I asked looking Daniel in the eyes, his beautiful dark blue eyes... I  mean!...

~Daniels p.o.v i bet you didn't see that coming..Or maybe you did ;-;~

"Hey y/n what's taking to lon-" I asked coming around the corner... I then saw y/n be pushed to the ground and something inside me snapped and I ran over to y/n helping her up and was about to help at Gene but he left as soon I turned to him "y/n are you Ok?!" A voice yelled as someone Dan and hugged y/n.... It was Vylad... He was hugging y/n... I don't know why but I was angry... (I WONDER WHY? X) ) I growled... "Y-yeah I'm fine... Can you take the food to the others.. I uh have to get something... " y/n asked Vylad "yes I can!" Vylad said... I just look at him tell us left.. "Daniel are you ok? I thought I heard you growl?" Y/ n asked t turning to me... I just looked into her eyes... Her pretty e/c eyes I just loved how they would shine in the sun... "Y-yeah I'm fine! "  I said blushing.. Maybe I liked y/n?.... "Well then let's get back to the others! Race ya!" Y/ n said starting to run to the others "h-hey no f-fair! " I yelled running after her...

~So this is my longest chapter so far it's 1262  words and I plan on trying for the next chapter to be 2000 words maybe... I'll try.... Anyways have a good day/night~

-Love frost

But I love you (Daniel x Reader, Book One) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now