"Fire Fly's"

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~Y/n's P.O.V~

"Blaze stop it!!" Dottie yelled at him.

We where at her house swimming,
And when I say 'we' I mean...
Le werewolf group.

"No not Untill Rylan mans up, and asks out June!!" He yelled back

They were now having a splashing fight...

"I thought he already did? What happened?!" I said

"W-well... You see he still doesn't know... Cuz somehow he didn't ask??? If thats even possible" Daniel said

"H-hey! its now my fault!" Rylan said and splashed water at Daniel.

"Yes it is!" Daniel replied and splashed back

It was now a splashing war!
And I'm gonna win!

I splashed Rylan and then went underwater so that he couldn't splash me, which worked.
Next was to splash Daniel..

I sneakily swam behind him when Blaze had to ruin it...

"Daniel watch out!" He yelled

"Ha- nooooo!!!" I said as Daniel pushed me underwater.

I then swam under and past him.
I was a pretty good swimmer if I say so myself!

"Wait wait WAIT!!" I heard someone yell then a big splash

I turned around to see Blaze had Dunked Daniel underwater.
I started to laugh but then was splashed.
But who? I didn't know...
But whoever it was, was gonna get it.

"Ahhh!!" I said and made the biggest splash I could towards where I think was the person who splashed me.

"Its war now Y/n!!" Dottie said.

So it was her who splashed me...
Well then...

"Its on, Daniel your on my team" I said and walked/swimed to him

(Look idk what to call it, you know when you like walk and swim at the same time? Or am I just weird? Who knows?)

"Ok here's the plan, whisper whisper whisper" I could here her say

"Ok so what you wanna do to win n/n?" Daniel asked me (n/n means nick name in case you didn't know)

"Umm...hmm ok so here's the pain..."

I told him and got in position to swim to there side.
Here we go...

"Ok... 3... 2... 1... GO!" Blaze yelled and we started our war!

I then swam underwater to they're side and went behinde them splashing and Daniel was splashing from the other side.

"Give up while you can!" I said and splashed some more

"Never!!!" I heard one of them say

We kept splashing and pushing people underwater, eventually we...

"Hahaha I knew we would win!" I said and hugged Daniel

"Yeah yeah whatever... Lets go eat some dinner I'm starving!!" Blaze said and got out of the pool

"Your always hungry Blaze.." Ryaln said

We got out and changed,
Dottie's mom had made some F/F and we watched a movie while we ate.

"Ok ok... So They Can't fall in love but they did??? How is that possible???" A confused Blaze asked

Me and dottie had picked what to watch, it wasn't a romcom but there was a little romance tho.

"Well you see..." Dottie started to explain to her boyfriend

I was sitting next to mine, and was finished eatting so I kinda snuggled up to him to watch the rest of the movie.
Poor Rylan didn't have a girlfriend yet cuz he's a big ol'chicken...
But I don't blame him...
Romance is weird...

"Ohhhhhhh so that's how it works..." Blaze finally said after realizing the plot of the movie.

"Yeah now shhh it's getting to the good part" Dottie said

~After da movie~

"Hey Dottie!" Her mom asked from the other room.

"Yeah mom?" She responded as she walked in there

They talked about somthing then I heard a door shut and her mom walked into the living room.

"Hey if you guys wanna go out to the back, there are some Fire fly's out" her mom said and gave us a smile.

Dottie's mom was so sweet and kind...

"Ok, thank you Miss Dottie's mom!" I said and got up

(Idk what her moms name is...)

"No problem sweetie" she said and walked out

"Come on lets go!" I said to the boys and went outside

We walked outside...
Man it was beautiful...
The sun was just setting so the blue shy had red's, Pink's, purple's and Orange's mixed in.
There were fire fly's flying around everywhere...

"Wow..." Is all we could say.

Dottie was sitting on a blanket, we walked over to her and sat down.
I lend my head on Daniels shoulder.
He toke my hand, and we watched the sun set and looked at the fire fly's...

"Hey Y/n?" He whispered to me.

"Yeah Daniel?" I whispered back

"What's your favorite color?"

"Well it's F/c,  my second is the color of your hair.. Its nice, almost calming..." I said and looked at his face...

He had darkish green hair and big blue eyes...
I swear he had a few faded light freckles...
His smile could melt all of the ice in the world.

"Well mine is (your eye color), then green..." He said and looked at me

We looked into each others eyes..
The sun was setting, fire flys flying around. It was like magic...
Time stoped and we just started at each other...

"Y-Y/n?... I-I love you..." He said, almost a whisper..

I looked into his eyes...
They were kind and calming...
This boy...

"I love you to... Daniel..." I said

He started to lean in...
I did too...
We were hairs apart..

When suddenly someone had to ruin it.. Ugh..

"Hey you guys wanna sleep over tonight? Its kinda late.." A voice said

We jumped apart and I could feel the blush on my face..
If that's even possible??
Please tall me if it is? Like you guys should look it up if you can? That would help. Now back to the story before Frost kills me for breaking da forth wall...

"S-s-sure! That w-will work!" Is all I could say..

"Y-yeah we are f-fine with whatever hehe.." Daniel said

We then got up and went inside.
Man I have gone to alot of sleepovers this past year...

After we got out some sleeping bags and blankets we layed down..

"Night guys!.. Night Y/n.." Daniel said, whispering the last part

"Night.." I whispered back...

So... That happened..
Now I have to go fix a wall...
Btw this ~(@_@)~ is my new favorite emoji thing!
Anyways have a good day/night and ignore the face thing I'm tried ok?

~Frost Out!

But I love you (Daniel x Reader, Book One) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now