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~Your P.O.V~

As me and my brother were walking to school, I see a familiar *cough* cute *cough* green haired boy with his friends walking the same route to school.

"Hey guys wait up!" My brother yelled at them

As they turned around I looked straight into Daniels eyes...
His too cute for his own good...

"H-hey guys.." Daniel said waving his hand

"Hey.." I said with a smile..

I could feel myself blushing.
We still haven't desided if we where gonna date or not...
But I mean its not like people are reading this and wish we would just get together already...

"So are you excited for prom Dottie?" Aph asked

She and Blaze were going together.
I ship them so much!!
I think KC's is rubing off on me too much...

"I wish I could go... Aaron you going?" I asked my brother

"Umm... Maybe.." He said and blushes

"Who you gonna go with?" I asked him and gave him a 'I know who you want to go with' look

"H-hey look its the school I better get going to... Um... Alpha stuff bye!" Aaron said and ran off

"Yeah I gotta help my teacher too, see you guys later" Blaze said

Everyone had somthing to do so they left, Aphmau went to her other friends, Dottie, Rylan and Daniel ran off somewhere, somthing about prom.

I looked around to see if there was anyone else I knew...

Just then two hands went over my eyes and I heard a voice say

"Guess who?"


"Bingo! Had did you know?" He asked as I truned around to face him

"Just knew... Anyways what'cha been doing?" I asked

"Nothing much, just thinking about prom, what about you?" He said

"O-oh umm well I went on a date the other day... Other then that, I have just had a lot of hoomwork to do..."

"O-oh a date? With who?" He asked

"Um rather not say..."

"Oh ok..."

Bring bring

"Well I gotta get to class, cya!" I said and walked into the school....

Today gonna be a long day..
Its still so weird seeing him after what happened...

~time skip to lunch~

"Yay my favorite class of the day!" Aph squealed as we sat down at our table, I still haven't seen Daniel, Dottie and Rylan since they ran off...

"But lunch isn't a class Aph it just lunch" Aaron said

"It is!..." She said and gave him a death glare

"You two are too cute!" I said
"You two at going to prom together right?"

Aaron just stared at me...
I'm dead...
Bury me in a bed of rose...
Send me away with the words of a love song...

"Haha w-why would y-you s-say that?!" Aph said blushing

"Yeah sis... Why would you say that?" My brother said giving me a look that said 'you're dead when we get home'

"U-umm gotta go see you two love Birds later!" I said and started to run away

"Y/n M/n lycan get back here!!" Aaron yelled

But it was too late I was gone,
I ran around the corner and bumped into someone...

"I'm S-so so-sorry..." The person said

I looked up to see who it was..
It was...

~Daniels P.O.V~ (mwahaha! >:3)

Me, Dottie and Rylan were sitting in the gym classroom helping to get the prom decorations up,

Yes we "volunteered" to do this...
Aka we missed a few classes and it was this or detention...

"So who you gonna ask to prom Daniel?" Rylan asked

"U-Um well..."

I didn't know if she wanted to come with me yet...
She might already have a date with him...
I saw her and him talking and laughing together..
Probably laughing at me...

"Just tell us already!" Dottie said

"I will tell you, when Rylan asked June out!" I said and stuck out my tongue


"Then you guys will never know!"


We all started to laugh.
Its good to laugh with friends...
At least nice ones....

So I finally got my thumb cast thing off yay!
I never ever will do that again 😢
But anyways...
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
(I dont know why you read my crapy stories )
Have a good day/night!

~Frost Out! \( °^° )/

But I love you (Daniel x Reader, Book One) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now