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~Y/n's P.O.V~

Y = you
D = Daniel

D: hey are you coming to school today?

Y: no... I have to stay with my brother for a few days.

Y: keyword being have....

D: why do you have to?

Y: well my, lovely, parents are making me... Something about I can't stay home alone...

D: I thought you were living with your sister? Did somthing happen?

Y: no... She has to go help...

Like usual...

D: sorry... When do you thing you will be back?

Y: I don't really know

D: oh ok... Well its gonna be lonely with out you here... Your.. Not moving there... Right?

Y: Daniel, no I'm not, I will never move away with out telling you...

D: thanks Y/n... Sorry I'm being weird...
Just kinda feel off today, didn't sleep to well...

Y: Daniel its fine, I hope you get more sleep.

D: yeah.

D: Well we will miss you, hope you are having a good time?

Y: I'm having as much of a good time as you are...

D: so its really boring?

Y: yup lol

D: well school just started, talk to you later today?

Y: you bet.


Ugh not being able to talk to him like normal is gonna be hard....

I ended up just sitting around the whole day...

~Daniels P.O.V~

Well great...
I know I have Dottie and Rylan but I'm gonna feel really lonely now...

"Hey!" Someone said from behind me.

"Oh hey Ein was it?" I asked when I had truned around and saw who its was

"Yeah. I was wondering if you knew where aphmau was?"

"Oh I think she's helping a teacher in room.. Um 327 I think?"

"Ok thanks!" He said and ran off..

Well that was weird...

Just then Rider and his little group walked up to me...
Why does life hate me?

"Look what we have here? Little Weak Daniel doesn't have his friends to help him?" He said and pushed me down...

"S-s-stop..." Was all I could say

"And who's gonna stop me hmm?"

Oh no...

Ugh I feel like this is too sort...
*reads* yeah way to short...
And I'm sorry I haven't been active really.
I finally got done with this dance season, you get 5 brownie points if you know why.

But I will try and do better but I have to already kinda get ready for school again. Yay freshmen year! (Note the sarcasm)
I feel like I'm being lazy but alot has been happaing lately...
I'm just sorry...
Lets just say I have seen alot of death in the last few years...

I know that saying sorry doesn't really make it better but its the most I can do...

Have a good day/night, sorry again.

~Frost Out!

But I love you (Daniel x Reader, Book One) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now