"Weird one"

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"Y/n get back here!" Aaron yelled at me, I was on my way to Daniels house, since you know... He Kissed me! My Irene he... To think I was just wondering why he wasn't mad at me... Ok maaaayyybbee I was asking that...
"Y/n m/n Lycan stop running away from me!" Aaron yelled again, man he's fast "nope, its not like you even care anyways!" I yelled back

Just then I was tackled to the ground "what in Irenes name Aaron!" I said getting up amd glaring at him "why did you start running from me y/n?" He asked "why do you even care..?" I asked looking at the ground,

I mean you just...

"Why wouldn't I care? MY SISTER WAS KISSED!" He said "well.. You didn't care when every one left me.." I said, I could feel the tears about to fall, "y/n what you said about the others wasn't cool" he said "WHAT IN THE SIX'S NAME DID I SAY WRONG?!" I yelled at him, I couldn't keep the tears back anymore "ALL I SAID WA TODAY WAS THAT I WAS HUNGRY AND THAT I HATE MATH, AND LAST TIME I CHECKED ALMOST EVERY ONE HATES MATH!!" I yelled, more tears falling down my face

I didn't understand why they were mad at me...

~flash back~

"Y/n why did you do that?!" The teacher asked/yelled "do what?" I asked "what did Ein ever do to you?" The teacher asked "what do you mean, i was just play-" I was cut off by Mr.Jackson "Why in the world would you hit him?" Mr.Jackson asked "w-what do you mean, me and the Ro'maeve boys were just of-" I was cut off again, "Y/n I'm gonna have to call your parents" Mr.Jackson said.

As I sat there waiting for mommy and dad Vylad ro'meave came up to me "hey y/n whwn are you gonna cwme bwck and pway?" He asked haveing trouble talking, "I don't know.. Mr.Jackson said I was in trouble.." I said.

Just then mommy and Ein's dad come into the office "She did what to my Son?" Ein's dad asked "Theres no way my sweet N/n did that!" Mommy said
"Oh well your 'sweet N/n' did somthing look at his arm its all red!" Ein's dad yelled, "Just becuse your Weird daughter is a werewolf doesn't mean she can just hit my Son" Ein's dad said,

Next thing I know I was picked up my mommy and we were leaveing... Thats the lest time I saw my friends... And Ein..

~End of flash back~

"Vylad had told me and the gang that you said 'I'm better then you cuz I have a dad' to him.." Aaron said "why would I ever say that.. Do you really think that me the 'odd one' in our family would ever say that?" I asked Aaron

I would never treat somone like that, I'm always made fun of Becuse everyone thinks I'm adopted or something Becuse I can hide my stupid ears....

"......" Aaron was just stayed quiet "Y/n I'm sorry I thought you said that..." A voice said from behind me... I new who it was though... "I just hard some Werewolf say that you said it and I-" the voice said "if you were my real friend you would have at lest asked me if I actually said that... Vylad" I said looking at him "I know, and I'm sorry.. I just haven't seen you in forever so I thought you might have changed.." Vylad said, "Vylad who said Y/n said that?" Aaron asked "I think it was one with the blue/brown ish hair who said it" Vylad said "B-Balto was the o-one that said i-it..." Daniel said walking over to us "I a-already asked h-him a-and he said that s-some guy with b-black hair and b-blue eyes told him" Daniel said with a pink tint on his face when he looked at me "Again I'm sorry y/n..." Vylad said "I-its ok..."

But I love you (Daniel x Reader, Book One) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now